Ch. 17 Still fighting

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***Jeff's POV***

It was now raining at our place, but we kept going at it. It's been a good 30 minutes and Zalgos servants kept popping out of no where. And bad thing was that everyone was slowly getting tired of his crap. Slendy and Zalgo were somewhere deep in the woods, knocking down trees here and there. I push one off me and run to BEN.

"We need to fall back." I tell him. He nods, looking around to see people still trying to kill everyone of Zalgos servants.

"I know what you mean but-" I help him as someone tries to sneak up on BEN and stab the person in the face.
"But, Slenderman is still out there giving it his all." BEN finished. I nodded and jumped back to keep fighting. One of the things then surprisingly grabs me and slices my cheek with its very long and sharp claws. I stumble backwards but feel a crunch under my foot. I slowly look down to see I've stepped on Jane's dead body. I quickly lift my foot up and stare.
'This all has to be a dream. I swear.. I was the one suppose to kill her.' I thought. The rain soaked Jane's hair, her blood running down fast by the rain helping it. I look back up in time to see one those things coming at me. I sigh and take out two knives. I bend down ready to run.
I go over and slice it's head open. I look around to see no more.

"Did we get them all?" Toby asked. We all looked around more, was the fight over?

"But Slenderman still isn't back." Eyeless Jack recalled. We all stand there, not knowing what to do. Until I realized something.

"We aren't Slendermans pets!-" I then get interrupted.

"I am..." Toby says quietly, Hoodie and Masky agree with him. I sigh and shake my head.

"Most of us aren't Slendermans pets! One of us will go up and help fight with Slendy." I tell everyone. They all nod.

"I'll go."I look over to see a very tall figure that looks a lot like Slendy. How haven't I noticed before? Instead of a boring black suit, he had a suit with rainbow poka-dots on it. He also had a black hat that also had rainbow dots on it.
" I'm Splenderman. I won't let anyone hurt my family!" He said and then teleports away. Right when he's gone something grabs my ankle. I quickly look down and see one of Zalgos dead servants looking up at me. I shake it off and look over to see one of them has Gold.

"I thought we killed these things!!" Gold shrieks. He then goes over by BEN. I look around to see all of the start to get back up, their wounds healing on their own. I grunt and get into a fighting stance once more.

"Their reincarnating! That's impossible!" Another yelled.

***Yukine's POV***

It kept raining. We were now walking to another place, Helen leading the way. I wanted to ask where exactly where we were going, but I didnt want to bother him.
'I wish I could have stayed back there to help. Although I knew Slender would do this..' I thought. There was a sudden explosion nearby. Be both look back to see dark smoke starting to make the sky darker.

"Their coming in on us fast! We need to run!" Helen yelled. He quickly grabbed my hand and we both started to run for our lives. Muddy waters splashed under us, almost making up slip. And the sound of fire could be heard behind us, coming up quickly. There was then a shock of lighting that stroke a tree, making it topple over in our path.

"Crap!" Helen starts looking left and right, "There must be another way!" He yells. I look behind me to see lots of horrifying skinny gray things running for us.

"H-helen?! Um, what the heck are those?!" I yell. He looks over to where I'm looking and curses under his breath. He then grabs my wrist and he drags me up a tree. He slips on his mask and tells me to do the same, so I do.

"From here on out, you call me by Bloody Painter, you got it? We dont know how many are listening to us." He asks. I nod as I fix my mask on my face and slip up my hood.
"Now, how about we go pay our Zalgo's late friends a good visit?" He smirks.

__********************************________________To ____Be_________CONTINUED__ IN______next____Chapter!______******************************************

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