Ch. 15 Lazer lights

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***Jeff's POV***

I laid in my room with a towl wrapped around my waist. I just got out of the shower and now I'm tired and don't want to get up.. well, I did get up to put some boxers on just in case someone walked in, but they should knock first right?

"JEEEEEFFF~!" BEN came running in.
'...nevermind... guess I was wrong..' I sighed.

"What is it?" I asked. BEN came over and sat on the bed by me. He then pulled something from his pocket.

"Look what I found!" He said. He then pressed a button and a red lazer light came on.

"Oooh, is that one of tho-OAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! BEN STOP!!" BEN then decides to point the lazer light to my eyes, yes my eyes!! I start to yell at him and tell him to leave as I cover my eyes with the palms of my hands.
'Is this what I get for burning off my eyelids??' I think as I feel my eyes start to water. I run to the bathroom and look into the mirror to see that my eyes are red and tears are running down. It's looks like I've been crying. I then turn on the faucet and start to splash my face with water, which helps. Once I'm done I stand there for a bit as I dry off my face.

"Fuck you too, BEN." I growled.


It's been an hour and I'm so bored! I have nothing to do, I mean I would go out and kill but I'm in that mood where I want to but I just dont.. do you ever get that feeling? Cause I sure do, and I get it a lot! I then have a feeling of going to check on Slenderman and see how he's doing with Yukine.

"Hey, Slender." I say walking into the room. He turns to see me and nods.

"Ah Jeff. I was actually just about to send someone to bring you here." He said. I go over and sit across from him.
"It's about Yukine. She won't be with us no longer." He spoke. Something inside me cracked, was it a rib? I don't know but I somehow feel empty.

"What?.. is, is she dead?" I ask. Slenderman shakes his head. I then get a bit confused.

"She's leaving, going where Zalgo won't find her. She needs to get stronger." He says.

"Leaving so Zalgo won't find her?! Slenderman! Wake up! Anywhere she goes Zalgo will find her, and your making it worse for her making her go so she can get stronger! That's what Zalgo wants!" I yell at him.
I swear I can never go into a room with Slenderman in it without arguing. Slender sighs and nods.

"Yes. But maybe if we do do that, the-"

"So your just going to sacrifice your daughter like that!? And let her go alone where she can be easily killed?" I asked, sitting up a bit more.

"I didn't say she was going alone..." Slenderman said. My eyes widen once he said the next word.
"You are." He pointed to me.

"Me?! Besides sacrificing your daughter to Zalgo, but you want me to go with her!!?" I yell. "I swear this is worse then her sharing a room with me!"
Slenderman shakes his head and gets up. He then walks over and enters another room that leads to the room Yukine was staying in. She was sitting down on the little bed with the IV still in her. She looked better.

"Oh, Hey Jeff." She smiled warmly. I just grunted, turning to Slenderman.

"Let someone else do it. I'm not doing it no matter what. Not in a billion years." I said and walked out.


There was then a loud booming and the mansion started to shake. The shaking was much more then a regular earth quake, making everyone in the mansion fall or having to hold onto stuff.

"What the hell is going on?" I yell. Slenderman then teleports. I look over to see Yukine clinging to the bed for dear life, not able to run because of the IV in her.
'Im going to regret this!' I thought as I got up and ran over to where the girl was. I grabbed her arm and quickly took the needle out.

"Go!" I yell at her. Part of the roof began to crack from the ruckus, and started to fall. We both start to run down stairs to find everyone screaming at each other.

"Slendy! Slendy! My bear!" Sally cries. Slenderman teleports to her room and teleports just in time before it collaps.

"What's going on?" Yukine yells. The shaking then stops. And it doesn't sound good outside.. I quickly go over and look out the window to only be met by an arrow, which went straight through my shoulder making me fly back and fall to the ground.

"Oh my god! We're under attack!" Yukine yells. Slenderman teleports to my side. I sit up and angrily pull the arrow out.

"Bitch! Ill kill her!!" I yell getting up.

"Who is it?" Slenderman asks.

"It's Jane. And she brought some of her friends, that including Zalgo.."

************______________to be continued in next chapter!!******____________

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