Ch. 7 Getting All those Shots!

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***Jeff's POV***

"Well if your just gonna sit there and stare at me, I'm leaving. Bye." I told Yukine. I then ran over to my window and jumped out of it. I start to walked towards the little invisible portal that could take us CreepyPasta's anywhere in the world. Before stepping on it, I heard someone call for me. I look back and see Yukine in her red jacket with her mask. She stands on the edge of the window and jumps. I watch as she runs towards me.

"I was wondering, well..." she started. I crossed my arms getting impatient.

"If you want to come with me to kill its a no, I kill alone." I say. I watch as she looked back to me with her red eyes glowing.

"C'mon! I won't slow you down!" She begged. I shrugged, and thought of where I was going and stepped through the invisible portal, with Yukine behind me..
I step through and we are in another forest. I start walking and I pull my hood up. I see that it's sometime in the afternoon over here, since once I'm back at Slendermans mansion it would be normal.

"Where are we?" I hear Yukine whisper as we step onto the side walk where lots of people started to walk. Lots of cars past on the streets.

"New York City." I say and start walking faster. I smile once I know Yukine is having trouble getting through all the people and catching up with me. I look up at the buildings and cross the street.

"J-Jeff!" I hear her yell for me. I just continue walking. I then find myself walking into a Bar. I go over and sit at a table.

"Welcome sir, may I ask what you would want to order?" I look over to see a waitress, her dress a bit to small for her making her boobs look huge. I look away.

"Uh, ya. I'll take all your shots of shit." I said.

"Um, I don't think I can let you have all of them, but how about 5?" She tells me. I sighed and nodded to her.
"Ok, so which 5 would you like." She asked now leaning on the table.

"The best 5 you got." I said. She winked before leaving. I shivered once she left and I had a strong erg to kill her. 'I'll do it later." I thought. I then see her come back with my drinks. She sets a tray in front of me that held them and I grabbed the first one and chugged it.

"So you going anywhere tonight? A handsome man like you shouldn't be walking around a place like this alone." She said driving through fingures through my hair.
Ok so your probably asking and thinking why isn't she scared of him can't she see that his face is scary? Or Umm what's going on?
Ok, so I found out that Creepypasta's have this thing where any normal person sees them they'll see them as someone else than their killer version. And the only time that's wears off is when their about to kill their victom.. You understand now? Yes? Well I hope so cause I'm continuing on with the story...

"Actually no I'm not. How about you come to my place where we can chill." I tell her after my second shot. She smiles and pulls out a small note.

"Here, how about you write down your address, and I'll be there around 6?" She asks. I take the paper and write down a random address. I give it to her and she stares at it as if she's trying to progress where it is.

"Ok! Got it, have a good day Mr....." she trails off once she realizes she doesn't know my name.

"It's Jeffrey, Jeffrey Woods. But please call me Jeff." I tell her. She smiles back at me once I take the other two shots.

"Ok then, Jeff. Hmm.. you know that name sounds familiar...? You know? Like I've seen it somewhere.." she said and walked off. I then begin to think of if i lost her or not. I shake my head and take the last drink. I get up and pull out $30 dollars and put it on the table, I then walk out to find Yukine resting on the side of the building. I walk up to her.

"There you are! I knew I would find you here!" She says. I roll my eyes and grab her wrist dragging her along the sidewalk.
"You know, I tried going in there to see if you were in there, but this person I guess who worked there said I wasn't old enough! I'm fricking 19 years old!!" Yukine yelled at me.

"You need to be at least 21 and older to go into a bar or strip club girly." I told her.

"Ok, then how old are you?" She asks me.

"The right age to go to any of those." I say turning to where we are now in a neighborhood. I try to remember the address I put on there and began to look for the house. I let go of her wrist and let her walk her own paste.

"Hmm. Ok then... Why are we in a neighborhood?" She asks me. I then start to get annoyed from her asking me so many questions.

"Shut up, and you'll find out." I say turning into a drive way to a house. I go over and climb their fence that goes to their backyard.
"Ok, I'm going to let you do this part, I don't want to get blood all over me before someone comes over in an hour." I tell Yukine.

"Wait, who's coming over?" She asks me.

"Just someone who was at the bar, I felt like I wanted to kill her so I gave her this random address, now go!" I tell her. I watch as she sneaks into the house. There's silence, but after a couple of minutes there's a loud scream.
'My crew' I think and run into the house to find Yukine over a dead body that belonged to a young boy and I guess his parents. But something about Yukine changed. I saw that she had long black tentacles like Slendermans come from her back and she seemed paler than usual. I see that she if crouched in front of the dead bodies doing something.

"Y...yukine?" I ask, scared of what might happen. This might have been a mistake to bring her...

*******___________omg what's wrong with Yukine?! I hope Jeff will be able to help her out before that girl comes over!!________________**********

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