That's when I realized my eyes had been open. I was a little confused with my unfamiliar surroundings, but only because it seemed so different than where Layla had stayed. I could feel the sunlight come from behind me where as Layla had the window on the side. 

Stop thinking about Layla- focus on your parents for now.

My gaze lightly shifted to my right as I opened my eyes slightly wider, signaling my awaken. Before I knew it, my mother was hovering over me, rubbing my head.

"Stop it ma." I mumbled, but it came out not very understandable.

"What was that sweetie?" Cooed my mother, tears welding in her eyes.

Deciding to let it go, I gently nodded my head to shake of my words. My mother ignored what had happened and continued whispering thank you's to God.

"I'll go get the doctor." Mumbled my father.

Clearly, he was still holding on to the fact that I'm here because of a fight. I suddenly worried about my consequences and looked up to my mother for answers.

"Mom?" I said, more clearly now.

"Yes Allen?"

"What's going to happen to me?" My eyes searched hers for some clues on what to expect. Thankfully, they didn't seem too panicked.

"Don't worry about it, we will talk about it later." My mother comforted, meekly smiling.

Not wanting to worry anyone, including myself, I dropped the topic as the doctor came back in. He flipped through some charts and cleared his throat to speak, his eyes still glued to the papers.

"I think Allen should stay until tomorrow, around noon. He seems to be having a great recovery, no signs of amnesia." The doctor nodded to himself and parted with a small, insincere smile.

Just one more day, and maybe I could get Layla back. One more day.


"You ready Allen?" Said my father, a slight cold tone in his voice.

I nodded my head as we stepped outside, letting the cool Autumn air swirl around me. Sadly, I reminded myself about how I had walked through these doors with Layla being the released patient. Back when we still had hope and love. Well, I'll never forget having to pull back on our kiss.That hurt. 

We walked down the city's sidewalk until we stopped to get inside our familiar car. My body rested in the backseat, stressing through every bump. I could see why Layla was always so irritable with her headaches- they hurt. 

My mom had decided that we would eat at a Chinese restaurant to celebrate my health. I wasn't into the whole celebration aspect, but I figured it would be a good time for them to explain what's going to happen to me. The insides of my palms were already forming sweat and I had to continuously keep myself busy.

"We're here!" Sang my mother, a little to merrily for both my father and I.

All three of us unloaded out of the car as we walked into a well air conditioned Chinese place. Cold chills ran down my forearms as I became annoyed with their over cooled restaurant.

"Three?" Asked a Chinese woman in a heavy accent.

After we nodded, we were led to a small booth. I sat on one side as my mother and father shared the other.

"Drinks?" Wondered the waitress, taking out an order pad. I could barely understand her so I had to use my best guess.

"Just water please." I ordered flatly. Honestly, I wasn't going to be in a good mood until I knew what was going on.

"Two iced teas." Asked my mom, making her voice sound extra sweet to make up for my tension.

After the waitress scribbled down our orders, she shuffled into the back room and we were left alone again. The place was pretty empty.

"So?" I urged, wanting to hear what would be my fate. 

"You're not going to jail." Explained my mother. An uncontrollable sigh of relief escaped my lips as my biggest fear hadn't come true.

"But," Cut in my father as I groaned. "This is going on your permanent record. We are also in chargeof their medical bills." He gave me an annoyed look. "I mean what were you thinking Allen? When I said 'do anything' that was not what I meant." Hissed my father.

My mom slithered a comforting hand around his shoulder, giving me an apologetic glance. Just then, the Chinese lady came back with our drinks. 

"You order now?" She asked, but it sounded more like a demand.

"Sure," I announced, breaking her questioning glance at my frustrated father. "Chicken and broccoli." Immediately, my order was scratched down as my mother ordered for herself and my dad. As soon as the waitress scurried off, we continued with our conversation.

"Well what would you do, dad?" I tested.

He gave me a pist off look and I flinched back, but held my glare. "Don't expect us to be paying the bill." He smirked.

"Fine." I stammered, not knowing what else to say.

I immediately felt sorry for my mother who was stuck in between the fight, but she handled it well by sitting quietly. Obviously, she didn't want me to pay, but my father wouldn't budge on the punishment. 

As the awkward silence grew and our patience for our food lessened, I started to pick at my napkin. This must be the worst lunch I've ever had. I picked up my cup of water as the ice clanked together. Luckily, before I took a sip I managed to catch a glimpse of the mysterious pieces of floating food. Suddenly, I understood why this place was so empty.

Throughout the lunch, I had to bite on my tongue to stop myself from asking questions about Layla. I knew if I asked one, hundreds would come out. It's been a little over a week since I've seen her and the feeling was unbearable. Where did our relationship even stand at this point? There was no promise  that she wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see her.

"Chicken with broccoli for you." Smiled the girl, possibly a little to wide. 

To be courteous, I gave her a little half smile. She seemed to have blushed and then walked away. Layla had an adorable blush, nothing compared to hers. To distract myself, I picked up my fork and started to stab my food. Not much survived my fork, but whatever had, I ate. My appetite wasn't to big as I kept thinking about her.

Layla literally drove me crazy.

"How much is the medical bill?" I muttered, trying to break the silence.

"I don't know for sure, but together they add up to be around one thousand." He said, a little to pleasantly, as I choked on my chicken.

"W-what?" I asked in disbelief. "Are they paying my bill?" 

My father shook his head. "Nope, the kid, Miles, has got some dad. I mean, he can really get you outta trouble. He's the reason you're not in jail."

My eyebrows pushed together in frustration as I continued eating. The only sound coming from our table was the scraped of our forks against our plates. Other then that, we were quiet.

"I'll have the check please." My father grumbled.

The lady disappeared and came back with the check as my father paid. Once we finished with the payments we all silently got up walked straight to the car as I wondered what I should do next.

Remembering SmilesWhere stories live. Discover now