26 - Jealousy Runs Deep

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The ball organized by the House of Vasiliev was phenomenal. With the amount of royalty who graced the event as well as the very reason it was held put it on headlines of the morning papers the very next day.

A loud shrill echoed the walls of Orlov manor as Svetlana scream at the top of her lungs. Reading the daily's headline put her in a roller coaster ride. Ivana is Snežana and she is the fiancée of the next Duke of Muscova.

'How the hell did it happen? Where did she hide? How was she alive? Wait- Bertrand said he killed her. He lied! The damn bastard lied! He is so dead once I find him!!!'

Silent thoughts swam in Svetlana's mind as she paced back and forth her bedroom. After a couple of minutes, she stop and grab her phone as she dial the number of the investigator she commissioned to look for the Orlov siblings but the line is dead. Staring at the phone as soon as she heard the dial tone made her realize that she was duped. Anger rose from the deepest part of her being.

'She did this! She played me for a fool. But this is not yet the end. She will regret fighting me. Snežana or whatever she calls herself now will suffer for what she did.' Svetlana swore to herself.

After going back to her senses, Svetlana called the other person who can help her. She had already formulated a plan and ready to execute once the other party agrees.

'Hello.' A deep, strong voice answered her call.

'It's time.' She stated knowing that the person on the other line understands her.

'When do you want it done?'

'As soon as possible. You will gain Vasili and Helene if you succeed.'

'The extent of your hatred exceeds my expectation. Your madness has reached its extreme.'

'My hatred for that girl is above and beyond imagination.'

'May I inquire why you loath her so much?'

'She is the very image of something I wanted to become but can never be. She is the perfect example of the life I have desired so much. Her happiness, her beauty, her personality. Her very presence is my bitterness. Her light is my darkness.' Svetlana explained to the man, expressing her anger towards the girl whose life she covet.

'That is quite disturbing, Madame. Your jealousy runs deep.'

'And it will reach you if you do not follow my order. I have dug my grave a long time ago. There is no turning back for me. What will make me happy now is her death. And you will do my bidding, Luther. Otherwise we will go down together.'

'Ah, threats! All your words are threats. How about I tell you one thing about me.' Luther stated in a low voice that sounded calm and dangerous. 'Never threaten a Von Warren lightly. Never try to intimidate me. Your words are nothing compared to what I can do. You and I are allies for as long as I want to, not the other way around. I may support you because of our contract but I will never tolerate you using me as a henchman. I do not like to be threaten. Do you understand?'

Svetlana huff but hearing Luther scared her. She forgot who she is talking to. The man is intimidating. He is someone she doesn't want to fight with.

'Fine. I will not. But do what you agreed with me. Kill her and I will even give you Kaiser. Just put her out of my way completely.'

'I'll see about it.'

Luther ended the call and throw the phone on his bed. The hag ordered for him to kill Ivana. As much as he wanted to back out, he cannot. The contract stated that he has to kill for her and being a part of the mafia, he needed to follow the agreement.

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