19 -Truth Revealed

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Lucca decided to go back to Moscow when he learned that Ivana will not return to France. He felt something was off when he spoke to her over the phone. He called Gunther and Johannes to his office after the call he had with Ivana.

'What's up, pal?'

'I need to go back to Moscow. Can you work without me for a couple of weeks?'

'What? Is it about Ivana?'

'Yes. She sound indifferent earlier when I spoke with her. I need to know what happened there.'

'Maybe she is just busy with something.'

'No. She didn't tell me anything about her situation. She just said she is okay and she won't be back here in the meantime.'

'She could already have someone else.'


'How so?'

'I just know. It could be that the plan is not working.'

'What plan?'


'You said something about a plan. What about it?'


'No. You tell us what you know and we will let you leave. If not, then you can't go.'

'You can't make me.'

'We can. Want to bet on it?'

'Fine. But promise me you won't breathe a word to others.'


Lucca told them how he and Ivana met, who was she, what they are, their plan, Svetlana, her family and her real name. When he was done, Johannes and Gunther looked baffled.

'And you didn't think of telling us this?'

'Well, I told you it should have been Ivana's call to tell or not. But since you threaten me, do you think I have a choice?'

'You could just 'not' leave.'

'I can't. I don't want Ivana to get mad at me. Not now.'

'One thing: How much do you like her?'

'I love her.'

'Then you have our approval. Just be careful.'

'Thanks guys.'

Lucca flew back to Moscow that night not wasting time. Ivana is mad at him. He just doesn't know why. And he will make sure to find out about it.

The car sped as Lucca drove towards his mansion. When he arrived, his maid is at the door waiting for him.

'Where is Ivana?'

'At the balcony, sir.'

Lucca run to the balcony passing the foyer, taking the grand staircase two steps at a time. He arrived at the balcony and saw Ivana sitting in the divan facing her back on him. She walked to her silently.

'It's too early for you to come home.' Ivana said without turning her head.

'I need to make sure you are okay.' He replied as he sat next to her.

'I am perfectly fine.'

'You don't sound alright over the phone.'

'You don't need to worry about me.' She stated facing him. 'Your Grace.'

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