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harry : why do i continue to stay up at night and wait for ur name to appear on my phone

harry : it's fucking ridiculous

harry : u don't care

harry : u haven't for the past year

harry : everyone knows it

harry : but for some reason, there's this little ounce of hope within me

harry : hoping that u'll call me or text or something

harry : and say that u miss me

harry : but u don't

harry : and u know what

harry : im not even upset anymlre

harry : im just tired of putting in more effort than i receive

harry : im so fucking tired of holding onto nothkng

harry : im tired of u proving me wrong every time

harry : i just want u to miss me for once

harry : im tired of getting my hopes up just to be disappointed again

harry : and u know what else

harry : u never apologized to me for hurting me

harry : but i apologized to u so many times for being upset about it

harry : so fuck u

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