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harry : the only thing on my mind is u

harry : after all the alcohol i have consumed and everything i ingested to get u out of my head

harry : u will always be on my mind

harry : no matter what

harry : and it sucks

harry : bcos u still don't give a damn

harry : but i still love u so fucking much it hurts

harry : and u know

harry : sometimes i like to think that u still love me

harry : but we can't escape the fact that i was never enough for u

harry : still not enough for u

harry : and i knew it would happen

harry : i always knew u would find someone better

harry : so i'm not blaming u for falling in love w someone else

harry : falling in love w a woman

harry : it's ok

harry : i'm not angry either

harry : i should be

harry : but i'm not

harry : i just feel pain

harry : a lot of pain

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