"Yeah, I'll just bring a box of cookies." Niall said, putting on his shirt and running over to the food table and grabbing a box of chocolate chip cookies.

When we got to the bus it was around 3. We were all tired because of all the driving lately. I decided to myself that I would take a nap before we got home for our two week break. Harry and I decided that we would just stay home. Our families were going to visit for a night, but aside from that, we were just going to relax and hang with the lads.

"I'm going to take a nap, so don't bother me or else." Harry said, walking into the living room where we were. I Looked over and noticed that he was naked. It has just become normal now for Harry to walk around naked. I have no idea why he does it, but no one minded anymore.

"I'm gonna take a nap too. I said, getting up from the couch and stepping into the room were our beds are. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the blankets.

"G'night Lou" I heard Harry mumble from the bed across from me.

"Well it's still afternoon you know?" I said, closing my eyes attempting to sleep with a very noisy Niall, Liam, and Zayn in the other room.

"Well, whatever. Do you want me to tell them to shut up? I can't even hear myself think." The boys were yelling now and I was pretty sure they were wrestling or something.

"Sure." I said, they were really loud and I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep. I saw Harry get up out of bed.

"Do you wanna at least put on some boxers?" I said to Harry. It was fun teasing him about his strange habit.

"Do you think I care?" He said back to me.

"It's fun teasing you." I said, which made Harry stick his tongue out at me. After he got the boys to shut up, I drifted into a dreamless sleep

A few hours later

I was awoken by a cup of cold water being thrown at my face. I opened my eyes and Zayn and Niall were standing above my bed trying really hard not to laugh.

"Why did you get me up?" They put their hands over my mouth. "Don't wake Harry. We have a plan for him too." Niall said. I nodded my head as Zayn pulled out an air horn. I picked up my phone from the ground and started recording.

Zayn stood at the head of Harry's bed and blasted it in his ear closer to the wall. Harry sat up screaming and then fell off the bed onto the bus floor. Niall, Zayn, and I were laughing hysterically now. Harry noticed I was recording this and jumped on me to get the phone out of my hands.

"I stopped recording ok?" I said, showing him the blank, turned off phone. "Harry, I wish you slept with clothes on. I can't post this on YouTube now." I said, pouting.

"Haha, see, I have a reason." Harry said, sticking his tongue out at me. "But why did you wake me up?"

Right then, Paul, who had been sitting in the passenger seat for the ride, came in. "We're almost home now so get rea..." Paul stopped his sentence as he took in the scene in front of him. Zayn and Niall were still chuckling at their prank, Harry was standing there naked with his hair all messed up looking really tired, and I was slightly shivering in the air conditioned bus, my hair all wet from the water they decided to wake me up with.

"Paul, Niall and Zayn poured water on me to wake me up." I whined to Paul. "And they blew an airhorn in my ear and made me fall out of bed." Harry said after me, crossing his arms and giving Niall and Zayn a nasty look.

"And I got it on video!" I yelled, running to Paul and showing him the video. He was laughing hysterically by the end of it.

"Good job Niall and Zayn." He said.

"Hey, that's mean" Harry pouted.

"But we are going to be home in like 3 minutes, so Harry put some clothes on and everyone else pack whatever you can." Paul said, exiting the room again.

Harry went over to his stuff and grabbed some black skinny jeans and a tee shirt. He changed into them and I grabbed my suitcase. I didn't care if I left some things in the bus, I'd be back soon enough.

When I got back to Harry's and I's flat, I immediately lied down onto the couch, happy to finally be back home. I thought about what the other lads were doing right now. Niall was going to visit his family tomorrow, Liam was going to be hanging out with his family as well, and Zayn was going to be with Perrie. 'Why are they so perfect?' I thought to myself, letting a single tear fall down my cheek and onto the couch. I stopped anymore from coming as Harry came inside with his bags.

"Lou, wanna watch a movie, I've missed it here." Harry said.

"Of course." Good, something to distract myself from Zerrie for a little while. Harry picked out Paranormal Activity 2. Oh God, I am so easily scared.

"We are going to watch this. The whole thing." Harry said bravely, going into the kitchen to make some popcorn that I will probably end up accidentally knocking on the floor. I'm really fidgety when I get scared. Harry came back with the popcorn and pressed the play button on the remote.


The movie is finally over. I did end up accidentally flinging the popcorn bowl into the air, flinging its contents all over the rug, and I was clinging to Harry for most of the movie.

"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight Boobear." Harry said.

I went up the stairs right behind Harry and walked into my room "Goodnight Haz." I yelled from inside my room after I had gotten into bed.

Right as I closed my eyes, I saw pictures of Zayn. I smiled when I mentally saw his beautiful face. My mind then thought of Perrie. I felt a few hot tears run down my face and soon I was full on sobbing into my pillow. I assumed Harry was asleep, so it was safe to cry. I eventually fell asleep sobbing with pictures of Zayn and Perrie floating around my mind.

Harry's POV

I had been in bed for around 30 minutes and I couldn't fall asleep. I kept turning in bed trying to get comfy when I heard soft sobs coming from Louis's room. I got up very quietly and tiptoed to Louis's room. He had left the door slightly cracked, so I silently opened the door a bit more. What I saw was absolutely heartbreaking.

Louis was lying in a ball sobbing into his pillow. His whole body was shaking from the violent sobs. He looked like he wanted to be left alone, so I went back into my room and fell asleep fairly quickly. I would ask Louis why he was crying in the morning.

Authors note ***********

I'm sorry for this but could you possibly check out my other stories? You don't have to bus some of them have like no reads and I have no idea why. I'm not forcing you to, but if you get the chance, I'll find a way to  repay you somehow. :D   (ACTUAL AUTHORS NOTE AFTER THIS)

Ok, I don't know how this chapter turned out, so tell me I the comments below. Be honest, but don't be, like horribly cruel. This story is not going to be all dreary and depressing through the whole book. Louis is going to be sad or whatever, but not completely solitary throughout the book. And this is going to be filled with drama later. Just a warning :D

Oh, and I'm just curious, how old do you think I am based on my writing? I want to know. Bye bye (insert name for people who actually read this, I'm too lazy to think of a name) And can I get two votes on this chapter? I want to know if this story is even any good.  


P.S. Does anyone else when they're typing on a laptop keep pressing caps lock instead of  the a key? It's annoying me so much

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