Chapter 13

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"Is everyone here?" I asked.

"I'm not here."

"Shut up, Alex." I said. He snickered a little at my scolding.

I did a head count and saw that all five people were present. I checked my phone and saw that we were right on schedule. Geez, do people even keep track of time before going to a party? I felt as though I was being too methodical about everything. While everyone was already enjoying themselves, I was busy trying to make sure we didn't arrive late to the party- which, according to Alex, was impossible.

We walked out into the dark night, everyone's voice echoing quietly only to be muffled by cars passing by and taxi drivers honking at slow pedestrians. It was a little windy so Tara and Madison were huddling together as they walked. (I guess jackets don't exist anymore.) Miles kept trying to make the whole "I'll lend you my jacket so you can keep warm." move on both of them only for them to brush him off. Alex and Nick was obnoxious laughingly about reference made on the show Two Broke Girls so I just tuned them out.

I had my phone out with the frat party's address put into Google Maps. The travel time, though it was for walking, was more than I thought it would be. If we were to talk the bus, it gave an estimated 13-minute travel time. I had no clue what kind of area in Manhattan this place was in so all I could do was hope for the best. I

"You're a little quiet up there, Jesse." I heard Tara say behind me. I was walking a few paces in front of the group with the light from my phone shining in my face.

"Just trying to find the nearest bus stop." Just as I looked up from my phone and down the block, I saw a bus sign with the rain cover over benches. Thank you, public transportation.

The group followed me like mindless puppies to the bus stop area. We waited a good seven minutes before a bus finally arrived.

"This party better be good if Miles was so turnt about it yesterday." Nick said, holding onto the ceiling handlebars in the bus.

"It's going to be lit. I promise you." Madison said with confidence.

"Have you ever been to one?" I asked out of pure curiosity, though it came off as a challenge.

"No. But I've seen videos on YouTube." She said. "Look, just trust me."

Everyone fell silent and only the rumbling sound of the bus could be heard. After frequent stops, which lengthened how long it would take us to arrive at the fraternity, the bus dropped us off at a street corner.

I could tell where the frat house was from all the cars parked on one street. The music could be heard from several blocks and the dim flashing of neon lights made its location even more obvious.

"There's probably a bunch of juniors and seniors at this party. We're going to look like babies there." Nick said.

"I'm sure freshmen go to frat parties all the time. Everyone just be cool when we get there and we'll be fine." I assured them.

A good journey down the street finally led us to house. I'd be lying if I said it was a small place. It almost look like a mansion- grand and spiffy on the outside. I could only imagine how the inside looked at this point. I could feel the bass of the music in my chest when we got to the front door. I knocked heavily on the door, making sure to stand back immediately.

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