Chapter 10

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The following day, I showed up at the Queer Union club meeting at 5:30 sharp. I was surprised how many people showed up; it was almost two dozen people gathered around the fountain in Washington square.

I felt a little strange walking up to the area since I didn't know anyone. I was always painfully shy in situations where there were a lot of people who I'm not familiar with.

I approached the gatherers, some paying mind to my presence, and went towards the center to find the same guy that I met at the club fair. It took some time so find him, but I eventually spotted him sitting on a bench texting on his phone.

"Hey, Finn." I said with a friendly smile.

He looked up at me and immediately gave a bright smile, making me smile even harder. "Hey... Jesse, right?"


He patted the spot on the bench next to him, signaling for me to sit down beside him. I followed through with his request and continued subconsciously looking around at how everyone was interacting with each other. The group of people looked really diverse- in race, gender, grade level, you name it. It was nice to see something like that. It felt more homely.

"So." Finn said making a bell curve tone in his voice. "How's your first week in college thus far?"

"Pretty good. I was worried it would suck for the first week, but I've actually been enjoying it." I said. "I also landed myself a job."

"Oh, really? Nice. Where do you work?" He pivoted his body towards me and propped his elbow on the back of the bench, resting his chin on his knuckles.

I chuckled a little. "Here, actually. I, uh, I tutor a junior in biology."

"I'm a junior myself. Who's this person- just curious? I might know them."

"His name is Keith... I don't know his last name."

He gasped a little and his mouth made a small "o" shape. "Ohh. Keith Courtier. Wow... British? To-die-for hair?"

"I never really described his hair like that but I'm guessing you have the right guy." I said, amused by Finn's enthusiasm.

"I know him since he was in my Spanish class last year. He's known to be a slacker so watch out." Finn said, raising his eyebrows. "It's weird for him to talk to people in a grade below him, much less asked for tutoring from a student below his grade."

"I guess he's desperate." I shrugged.

Finn smiled wide and nudged my arm gently with his fist. "I like you, Jesse. You're cool."

I smiled again and he turned away from me to face the crowd. "Ok, everyone!"

It took a few moments to get everyone's attention but they all took the hint relatively quickly.  The ones who were originally standing sat down on the grass and some sat on the rim of the fountain. All eyes were on Finn but I still reclined from all the staring eyes. Finn nodded his head for me to follow him to the grass. We sat cross-legged, everyone's eyes watching us.

"Does anyone have any good news- about anything?" Finn asked.

It was a few moments before a hand shot up.

"I decided to drop Shakespearean Literature today." A girl said. "Best decision I ever made."

There were a few laughs and smiles across the crowd. Finn moved onto another person with their hand up.

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