"Remember that girl you recommended to me a couple of years ago."

"That was two years ago? Wow time flies..."

"I know! Anyways, I kinda met her again and I want to try to speak to her father again. She apologised for her father's behaviour when I went around that time and in a crazy coincidental way, I got her email. She ran off before I could reply to her so I emailed her and she emailed back. I don't want to develop some sort of relationship over email and keep it a secret. How do I get our families involved? Especially her family?"

"Remember when I told you being blunt isn't always great? Well, sometimes, it's necessary."

"Are you saying I should just email her and say, hey I wanna speak to your dad to marry you!"

"Yes, albeit in a less creepy way." They both laughed. Sami thought a little on it.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Do you want me to speak to her father for you?"

"That would be nice but I think I'll email her first to get her thoughts on it."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You can keep me updated on what's going on and I'll help you if I can."

"Yeah, in'sha'Allah. Can I have your number again, if you don't mind? I lost my phone a few months back and with it, all my contacts."

"Sure." After taking down his old teacher's number, the two of them left the masjid and Sami headed towards his mother's house. He wasn't going to make the same mistake and keep her out of his decisions this time.

Sami rang the doorbell and waited outside, hopping from foot to foot. Soon, his sister opened the door, covering her face with a scarf. She moved to the side to let Sami enter and then closed the door behind him. She removed the scarf from her face and then her head.

"Asalamu'alaykum," Sami said.

"Wa'alaykumusalaam. What brings you here?"

"I got something to discuss with you and mum." A look of concern passed over Manahil's face. "Something good, I hope." Suddenly, Sami was starting to feel nervous. How were they going to take it?

"Okay, go sit in the living room and I'll call mum," Manahil instructed and Sami nodded. As he sat down on the living room, he heard Manahil shout from the bottom of the stairs, "Mum! Sami's here, come down!" Then, she joined Sami. "I'm not even going to offer any drinks or snacks. Raid the fridge if you want anything," Manahil said with a grin and Sami smiled.

"I'm fine, thanks." Soon, their mother came down and said Salaam to Sami. She went through her usual questions of asking about his health and work.

"Mum, Sami has something to tell us. Can you ask about his students later please? The suspense is killing me," Manahil said.

"Oh, what is it?"

"Well," Sami looked between his mother and sister, thinking about how to phrase what he had to say. "There's this girl who I met a couple of years ago. We only met once but... yesterday we met again. Her friend said she might be... kind of... interested in me and I think... I think I might be interested too." Sami was sure his face was going red.

"So what are you saying?" Manahil asked.

"Her friend gave me her email. My old Arabic teacher knows her dad. I... I want to get to know her."

"For marriage?" Manahil looked hopeful. Sami nodded. His mother and sister looked at each other.

"You don't know how happy you just made me," Sami's mother said, surprising him. "Tell me more about her. I want to meet her."

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