1: Being A Hero

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 I ran to the wall. Ok, so you're probably thinking why the heck I'm running to the wall anyway, right?

 Well, here's the deal: I'm running from arrows. Yeah, arrows.

 So, I'm running to the wall so that way I can quickly zoom to the right and keep on running. My eagle speed should be able to let me take a sharp right turn.

 I then jumped and almost flew. I landed on the ground and turned to my adversary.

 My adversary snickered. "You're going to have to do better than that," he said. He then reached into his quiver again and shot more arrows.

 I hovered back into the air and dashed again. I loved my speed. It was fast and it sometimes made me took flight like an eagle.

 I zoomed around like the Flash taught me and I came close to my adversary. I drop kicked him and he fell.

 I ripped out my talons.

 "It's over," I said.

 My adversary turned to me. "Well, ok. It is then."

 Someone clapped.

 "Good work," Wonder Woman said. "That's the second time you beat your score."

 "How much time was it?" I asked.

 "Um....3 minutes and 40 seconds," Wonder Woman said.

 "Cool," I said. I turned to my father, who managed to survive the drop kick. "Sorry about that, Dad."

 "It's all right," he said, getting up. "My uncle had to survive that."

 I laughed.

 "So, any news on the villains?" I asked.

 "Not yet," Wonder Woman said. "Don't worry, Serenity. We will find him."

 I nodded.

 Dad patted my back. "Hey, kiddo. I'm sure he's out there somewhere."

 I smiled. "Thanks, Dad."


 Ok, so I'm a superhero. Yep. That explains the whole talons and the quick speed. And the fact that I'm an excellent archer.

 These were inherited by my father and great-uncle, the original Eagle Eyes.

 Life as a superhero isn't fun. Most people would think that oh it's ok and that they can handle the whole two personas thing.

 It's not. I tried to balance my regular life with the life of being with the Avengers and the JLA (Justice League of America). Not to mention the fact that I'm a princess.

 Yes. It turns out that not only is my dad a use to be superhero but he happened to marry my mother, Princess Amberlynn Sienna Carina Reinano of Vistana.

 They met in New York City. My mother was a princess who was tired of living the royal life. She ran away and lived with a friend. During her time in New York, she met my dad, Ethaniel Lewis.

 Ethaniel was a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D and also a part time superhero, the Archer.

 They caught up in each other and I was their product but my dad never got time to actually see me because one of his stupid villain-friends, Sharp Shooter, threaten my father by destroying his family.

 Ethaniel left in order to protect my mother.

 Years later, I would meet Hawkeye, a member of the Avengers who saved me from the Chitauri and later, Doctor Doom. I would then be swift up in an adventure where I was an actual superheroine and saving the day. I kicked some bad guy butt and I learned of a dangerous secret plot of a superhero-villain war. And that's not really cool if you think about it.

 In the end, I saved my dad but lost my boyfriend. Every superhero assured me that we would find Hawkeye but sometimes I felt that he was gone now.

 I did feel like it was my fault. I was spending so much time more with Green Arrow that I almost forgot about Hawkeye.

 And I also have a decision to make about whether I should go with the Avengers or the Orinistas. Athennia Owl, the leader of the Orinistas, a bird superheroines group, asked me if I wanted to join. I wasn't so sure at that time but Athennia told me that I had time to choose.

 At least I got to spend time with my dad who lost his time seeing me grow from a child to an adult. So it's good to see him and have some father-daughter time.

 Wonder Woman saw me sigh as I just stood near the Training Center.

 "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked me.

 "Nothing," I said. "I'm just a little upset over the whole, you know..."

 "Relax, I'm sure he'll figure a way out. He's Hawkeye. He's got a keen eye."

 "Yeah," I said. "Yet we haven't seen him for a while."

 "Maybe he doesn't want the villains to know where he's at," Wonder Woman said. "They could have search teams after him."

 "Maybe," I said.

 I shook my head. "I just hope that Thanos didn't do anything severe to him."

 Thanos was the top head villain. He was the one who was the cause of the whole superhero-villain war.

 "He probably didn't. If anything, they'll just keep him hostage," Wonder Woman said. "Don't worry. It's going to be fine. How's your mother?"

 My mother was still back in New York City in the Avengers universe. Oh yeah, we have two worlds colliding: the Avengers universe and the JLA universe.

 Loki, Thor's brother, told us that there must be some universe connecting thing that he found out when he was being a general of the Chitauri.

 So not only do we have to worry about one world being in danger but another.

 "She's doing fine," I said. "She's actually happy to be reconnecting with Lynnie, her sister. Only Lynnie wants Mom to go back being a princess but Mom doesn't think she's ready to be a princess yet. Also, my grandparents want to meet me."

 "Well, and you have superhero duty to do," Wonder Woman said.

 I nodded. "Being a hero isn't easy. Not to mention also being a daughter to a possibility of being an heir to the throne of Vistana."

 Wonder Woman laughed. "Well, they have Lynnie so let her rule."

 "I think the fact is that Lynnie wants Mom just to be part of the family again."

 "Then Lynnie should tell her that. She should tell your mom that she just wants to her to come back and spend time with the family again. Have you thought about the Orinistas yet?"

 Wonder Woman is the only heroine that I told about joining the Orinistas. She's pretty much the only person I tell about anything that bothers me.

 "Not yet. I still have time," I said. "As for my friends, they're still cool but you should see poor Klary. She really misses me and she was crying. Riana wants me to come back to spend girl time again with the girls and if I don't, she'll go through the portal just to get me."

 "I'm sure she's serious about that," Wonder Woman said.

 I laughed. "Yep. Hopefully, this war is over soon so I could get back to them."

 Wonder Woman patted my shoulder. "Well, it should be soon. Let's just round up the villains and we'll be back to normal in no time."

 I wish we would now.

 I smiled. "Yep. And beat the crap out of them."

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