"So what exactly does this do?" I asked Gia.

"It helps heal the skin. Although we heal quicker than a regular human, burns tend to warp our skin and leave nasty scars if not handled properly and right away."

"How long does it take to for in to take affect?"

"It takes affect right away. The actual healing of the burn varies. For Cam here it'll take a few hours." 

I nod in understanding. I glance at Cameron whose eyebrows were knitted together in concentration. "Cameron, is everything okay?"

He snaps from whatever deep thought he had and nods. "I've been better," he winces again, "I'm just trying to get a hold of Rob through the pack link, but he's not answering."

"Well...do you want me to go check on them-"

"No." I blink in surprise.

"Why not?"

"Because it'd dangerous out there." As soon as he squints his eyes as warning to 'listen or else' I take it as a challenge.

"Well, hate to burst your little protective bubble around me-oh wait...I'm glad to burst the bubble and I'm going to check the situation," I jump from my seat and start marching out of the kitchen.

"Taylor, stop!" Cameron demands, his alpha voice seeping in his tone.

I turn now fuming and see Cameron's now standing from his seat. I see the pain on his face and my anger immediately vanishes. I walk over and gently push him back in his seat. I lean in and kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry, Cam, but while you're injured it's my job as Luna to step in during times like this." With that, I continue my march outside and this time without Cameron stopping me.

As I'm walking across the street I study the house, which was now free of flames. The whole roof was burnt and now crumbling down. Seems the fire was started upstairs or the attacker launched something on the roof.

I jog around back and over to Rob. "Hey, the fire's gone?" I ask. Looking around I see some other guys and some girls in what look to be serious conversations.

"Uh, yeah. Shane and some others are inside accessing the interior of the house."

"Are you sure that's safe?"

"They'll be fine. The only thing you should worry about is if the house was still on fire," he chuckles a bit but then sobers up quickly, "Is Cam okay? He's the one who saved you from the fire. I warned him not too. Some guy in the pack are volunteer firefighters. They rescued your mom and sister, told Cam to let them get you too, but he completely ignored me."

My chest bubbled up with warmth to know that Cameron wanted to be the one who saved me from the fire. I really don't know what I'd do without him.

"Yeah he's okay, just a little burnt from the fire. He's back at the pack house being treated by Gia. I didn't know she handled that sort of stuff."

"Gia? Yeah she's the pack doctor. Really sweet that woman."

"Really?" That makes tons of sense actually... "But Cameron was really worried because you weren't answering him through the pack link. That's why I'm here."

"Wow, I can't believe he actually let you leave his sight!" Rob chuckles.

"Oh believe me, I had to stand my ground. He needs to be able to trust me as Luna."

"And he needs to be able to trust me as beta. That's why I ignored him when he tried to call me through the pack link. He needs to recover and relax a bit." 

"Exactly!" I agree.

"Hey! You guys talking about me?" I gasp when I see Cameron walking over to us, still shirtless.

"Cameron! Go back to the pack house, we have everything in control here," I say and hurry over to check his condition. "You need to lay down." I tug on his arm and try to lead him back, but he yanks away.

"Stop telling me what I do and don't need. I already know what I need, I need you to go back to the house where it's safe so I can talk to Rob," he growls and I cross my arms.

"Cameron." He continues staring down at me. "No." He jolts back with a groan and runs his hands through his hair in aggravation.

"Rob, is everything good here?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Just searching the house one last time for any clues onto what happened last night."

"Good. Just finish up and tell everyone to head home. Then I need you and Sam to run the perimeter of the territory." Rob nods in obedience to the alpha's command. "Come on Taylor." I have no time to object before he takes my hand and starts dragging me back across the street. 

"Cameron, seriously, you're injured," I try and reason with him the whole way there but he's just as stubborn as ever. 

"It's okay. I hardly feel anything anymore. Being an alpha does have it's perks," he chuckles. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad to see you're not entirely cold hearted this morning."

"Taylor, your house was caught on fire last night and you could have been killed so forgive me if I'm a little on edge." And I've lost him.

We go straight upstairs to his room and flop on his bed. I glance over to see his eyes closed already. "Look, if you want to sleep I'll just go downstairs-" He quickly pulls me into his arms.

"Shhh, stay with meee," he moans. "Just get used to your new bed." My eyes widen in realization. Oh yeah. I lost my home.

"Cameron. someone set my house on fire."

His eyes shoot open and he stares at my cautiously, "Yeah, I know- are you okay, Taylor?"

My eyes prickle with tears and I shake my head, "N...No..." I choke out. I lay my head back on his chest as his arms engulf me once again. He pets my hair soothingly and I swallow back my tears.

"Well, look on the bright side. I won't have to find a way to convince you to move in with me," he says.

I laugh a little, "Jerk," I say jokingly and punch his chest.

"Ow!" he winces.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I freak and remember he has burns on his chest. I blow on him to try and soothe the pain.

He begins chuckling, "I'm just kidding! Were you seriously just blowing on my chest? Cause I know a way better place that needs to be blown!"

I punch his chest again, but can't help the smile from stretching across my face. We both lean in and share a few lazy kisses, savoring each and every one. "I love you, Taylor," he whispers.

My smile stretches wider and I look into his eyes, "I love you, too."

His Touch- Mated to the Alpha's SonWhere stories live. Discover now