The new transfer student

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Jonghyun P.O.V

I drove into the parking lot of SM high school in my excursion and parked where I park everyday. Though when I got out of my car the atmosphere was tense so I went up to my best friend Minho and asked "why is it so tense today I mean I can feel it?" He looked at me witch a face that could be read as exasperation. Minho looked me in the eyes and said "oh my god you didn't even know as alpha that two new transfer student is coming" minho took a breath "AND you didn't know these transfer students aren't wolves they are human!!!" I looked at him blankly and thought for a minute.... Wait.. That means........ FUCK!!!!! "Oh my god! Minho what are we going to do in this place all the students are wolves they'll be the only humans! Oh shit! Oh shit oh shit oh fuck!!!" I was panicking I mean really what do we do some of the wolves here are not suitable to stay in the same town as people let alone school, everyday! FUCK!!!!!! Minho then decided to speak up before I died from whatever I was doing "well I guess we'll have to keep an eye on them then right?" Minho said I looked at him then sighed "I guess so, but how?" I looked to Minho with a confused expression. He shrugged "well we should go to the main office and get a copy of their schedule so we can keep our eyes on them" Minho said. I nodded my head and started walking to the main office Minho quickly catching up because of his stupid long legs. He's to tall, stupid frog face, but he's my beta and the best I know. When I walked into the office all of the workers straightened up, and the women who don't have a mate thrust their chest's out and undid a couple button. I could see the look of disgust on the sweet secretary's old face when she saw what the women were doing, and trust me I wasn't impressed either. I think they should just go fucking find their mate instead of trying to fuck your teenage alpha and beta, god what whores even if they're in my pack I don't care what I say about them. I walked up to the secretary and gave her a big smile "hello mrs,Kim! How are you today?" She returned the smile and said "oh I'm fine but you don't have to ask this old lady how she is." and I replied back "but Sherrie you don't look a day over 20!" She chuckled and said "always a sweet talker little jonghyun." I groaned "hey I'm not little and I said that because its true." She just smiled and I felt Minho nudge me with his elbow. "Oh yeah we need a copy of the two new transfers schedules so we can keep an eye on them!!" She chuckled "you boys must have heard then that they are human well since the school knew that we made it so one of them are in the same class with either one of you each hour and they have the same lunch as you too." I practically beamed at her "wow thank you now we can keep our eyes on them every hour to make sure nothing happens to them." I bowed and walked out with Minho "hey Minho what do you think they'll be like?" He looked at me then sighed "well jjong if they're good looking we better watch them even more because the un mated people will try anything to jump them." That is true I sighed this time "what I don't get is why they don't try to fucking find their mate I mean look at all the slutty boys and girls it disgusts me, and did you see the unmated staff pop out their chests and unbutton their shirts it's disgusting the only person I'll sleep with is my mate!!" I looked at Minho he just stared back at me with his froggy eyes and said dramatically "you wouldn't even sleep with me I'm a treasure and you know you want me!!!" He faked surprise. I burst out laughing "oh god Minho that was too funny if you have such a big ego I feel bad for your mate whoever they are." Just as I said that two boys walked by and a very feminine boy bumped into me he whispered a sorry and kept Bowing. I chuckled a little because he was like adorable and I don't say that much, I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him "hey kid it's alright you didn't mean to now run along." I turned back to Minho when the two started walking away, and right at that moment a delicious mouthwatering scent attacked my nose making my wolf Howl. I looked around trying to find the source of that intoxicating smell. I didn't notice I stopped walking until Minho said "hyung.. Hyung.... Are you okay?" While waving his hand in my face. I waved his hand away and in a dazed voice I said "what was that smell it was mouth watering?" Minho looked at me like I'm crazy. Meh I'm used to it by now though he's the real crazy try beating him in something he is very competitive about things especially sports god that never ends well. I sigh and we just keep walking. Me and Minho have the same first hour together, so we walked in and sat at our normal seats by the window. I had the seat next to the window and Minho sat in the seat right in front of me leaving two open spaces next to each of us they were the only two empty seats in the whole class. I could feel the girls and guys hungry stares on me and really it grossed me out blehhh. The bell rang and everybody scurried to they're seats. The teacher Lee Jinki or Onew as he likes to be called walked into the class room the students were at first silent with respect, because he was one of our best and ruthless fighters don't let his cheeky charm fool you. Well until he tripped and caused an uproar of laughter Onew is very clumsy as a human, but when he's in wolf form he's as agile as a cat, but don't tell him I compared him to a cat he'll have my balls on a platter. I turned to Minho "how can he be the same guy that killed ten rouge wolves all alone? literally how?!" I heard Minho snicker as he turned to me and said "maybe all his grace, balance, and agile ness went to his wolf not him." We both started cracking up starting to get curious looks after Minho fell out of his chair. God I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, because I've been stressed out a lot. My dad keeps bugging about my mate even so far as arranging one, but I can't do that and I won't because I will only sleep, marry, mark, and have children with my mate. I won't let it be some random chick whose probably a whore. Just as things started to simmer down that breathtaking scent filled my lungs once again. Apparantly Minho scensed it too, as the thought of Minho wanting the thing with that smell my wolf growled in hate towords him and I heard my wolf growl "MATE". My eyes widened in shock just as the most beautiful creature in the world walked through the classroom door. I barely even noticed the slightly shorter boy behind him, but he didn't matter to me all of my attention was on this breathtaking speciman. He had rainbow colored hair that most wouldn't be able to pull off but he could. I watched as he brushed his bangs to the side revealing the most sensual yet innocent eyes I have ever seen. His eyes were shaped like those of a cat, and he held this confident air around him. I could see from how he stood that he had an attitude how? you may ask well his hip was jutted out to the side with his hand resting on it. Oh god how I wish that could be my hands on his hips thrusting in. Wait what no bad jonghyun dont think like that. And then the most beautiful sound I have ever heard filled my ears. "Hello my name is kim kibum, but you can call me Key." The boy I now know as Key spoke. I was snapped out of my haze when I heard my name. "Key and Taemin please take the seats on either side of Minho and Jonghyun. Jonghyun Minho please raise your hands." I raised my hand along with Minho, and as soon as we did Key started walking up but stopped to look at Taemin. "Hey! Minnie come on." Key said, but Taemin just stood there wide eyed with a terrified look on his face. It was then that I noticed all the glares pointed at him and Key full of hate and jealousy, and it made me beyond pissed off. I mean look at that Taemin kid doesn't look like he'd hurt a fly. He was full of innocence. I stood up and walked down the isle passing Key on my way. I felt everyone in the rooms eyes on me as I walked up to Taemin, and once I reached him I realized with horror that he was taller than me. "What!! How are you taller than me? Thats not fair how did you get that tall?" I realized that I said it out loud when I heard Minho obnoxiously laughing at me from his seat. I turned a death glare at him but he just snapped his fingers making a z, and put on a bitchy face. "Bitch please you couldn't hurt me even if you tried." Minho said in a ghetto voice, so of course I replied "Ho what you talkin bout? I could beat you in a second." Wiggling his finger at me "Girl your too short to even reach my face." He said while smirking triumphantly. "That was a hit below the belt man, not cool." I said while shaking my head at him. I ignored his scoff as I turned to face Taemin again. "Hello I'm Jonghyun don't mind the people glaring, me and frog eyes up there will keep them away. So if anyone gives you or your friend trouble come to one of us. We don't stand for mistreatment of students." I said while turning around to glare at the class. I turned back to Taemin with a giant smile saying "Come on lets get you in your seat." He just giggled a bit while nodding his head, and he practically skipped to his seat next to Minho. The way his mood changed so fast and how adorable he was made me chuckle. Today should be interesting.

heyyy I hope you like the first chapter and I'll try to update a lot please support!!!!

the new transfer student is my mate!?!?! (shinee fanfic jonkey yaoi werewolf boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now