33 ; GUILT

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Aom move a little bit when she felt that tina wasnt at her side..she jump out of her bed..when she look at the clock...it was 10 pm..she was about to cry when tina came out from the kitchen...carrying a bowl of soup..
After tina put down the soup at the table..aom hug her again..

"eehhhh..i thought you leave again..."

"hmmm..i told you..im gonna sleep here with you tonight.."

"hmmm..im so afraid tina..."


"i dont wanna lose you..not now..not ever.."

"you will never lose me...now..sit down..and taste this soup i made for you.."

Aom followed...tina gave her a spoon...and sat down beside her...


"hmmm..so?how it taste like?huh?"

"hmmm...asual...so yummy...hmmm..that's why i missed you always..cause when youre not here..nobody cooks for me..."

"even mike..."


"remember the day we had fight...it was the other day...i tried to call you...early that morning...but mike answered my call"


"yes...he still visiting you?"

Aom nodded...

"when did he start going here?"

"just that day.."

Tina hold aom's hand...

"aom?...we promised each other..no secrets at all..why didnt told me about that?"

"im sorry...i was just scared you might be mad"

"why should i?..i told you..i trust you...so please..dont hide anything from me..."

"im sorry tina...it wont happen again.."

Tina kissed her forehead and hug her...

After they finished the soup..

Aom get her camera and ask tina to have selfi with her...

"hmmm..this is so cute..."


"im gonna print this then put it on my journal...so everytime i missed you..ill just scroll it.."



"you are my life "


"yah...sure...i dont know how to live without seeing you..talking to you..wach your smile..and kiss your lips"

"hmmm...me too..you are my inspiration for everything that i do...i really dont care about what will other say...what's important is. Im happy with you..."

"hmmm...thank you for being a brave girl.."

"i wont be brave if i dont have you as my strenght..".

"eeehhhhhh..hehehe...aomiz..your so cheesy.."

"tiniiizz...your so yummy"

"haha...hmmm...it's late already...i think it's time to sleep"

"but we just woke up...hmmmm"

Tina started kissing her neck

"haha...tina..stop that!..haha"

Tina continued kissing her until pillows were drop at the floor..they continue giggling...laughing...
Aom fall on the bed..and tina lay down above her...she touch aom's face...to her hair...

"i love you so much aom..."

"i love you so much tina..."

Then tina slowly landed her lips to aom...aom respond. And grab tina's hair while kissing....
Tina put off aom's clothes one by one.and an intimate night ended that day...


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