
My eyes were glued to the person behind Blaise, leaning casually against the wall beside a circular window, his unruly blonde hair flopped to the right of his face, some falling in his eyes. "Draco."

"Blaise." Draco sounded dismissive but his friend scoffed.

"Uh-uh, I'm staying to make sure you two don't kill each other."

The beautiful boy in front of me scowled but met my neutral gaze. I had moved around Blaise and was standing opposite Draco, bravely might I add. "How are you, Lil? you feeling better after last night?"

"What do you want?" I cut right to the chase, not wanting to be in his presence any longer than I had too, but at the same time I felt myself being drawn towards him.

"For you to answer my question." He replied cheekily with a grin, showing his dazzling teeth.

This made me involuntarily relax, unable to fight back my smile. "I'm splendid, how are you, Draco?"


Rolling my eyes I looked at Blaise who was smirking and nodding at his peer. "Well, that's good. Now, if you could so kindly tell me what this is all about?"

Draco glanced at Blaise again, causing him to huff in annoyance and disappear down the hall. When I glanced back at Draco, he's watching me with dark eyes and I gasp. "I'm here, Lily, because I'm sick of Mil and Blaise reporting back to me about how tired and depressed you look, and I just..."

Our faces were inches away from each other and I couldn't help but let my eyes flicker down to his lips. "Just what, Draco?"

"I just can't stay away from you any longer."

Our warm breathes mingled in the tiny space between us and my eyes slipped shut. A series of booms went off in the distance, followed by screams, snapping me out of my daze and I pushed him away from me.

"Well, I guess you better try harder, then."

Blaise came barrelling around the corner. "Guys, come check it out!"

One floor down, someone (three guesses who) had set off a whole crate of enchanted fireworks, a mixture of fierce Chimera's, fluffy piglets with silvery wings, smoking bats and gryphons. Complete mayhem reigned down here as students ran about in all directions, some screaming, some laughing. The fireworks were rampaging all throughout the castle by the sounds of it, teachers running past, hollering 'Professor Umbridge!". Instead of burning out the spectacular fireworks seemed to be gaining momentum.

Standing at the top of the stairs, we spotted Umbridge running around, desperately trying to stun, vanish, jinx the fireworks out of existence. One gave a loud 'wheeeeeeeee' and swooped into a spiral towards Filch, who ducked and it went sailing through the window and off across the grounds.

"You know if she tries vanishing they multiply by ten." Fred and George strolled casually up beside me, Fred draping an arm round my shoulders and handing me a goblet of apple juice.

"You guys have outdone yourselves, very impressive." I clinked my glass with Fred's and took a sip. "Oh Merlin, I hope you didn't put any of your concoctions in this."

Torn :||: Loved Series #3Where stories live. Discover now