"Who is she?" I asked.

"The girl who isn't afraid of putting me back into place when I stumble." He muttered, leaning forward more, our noses brushing slightly. "The girl who knows all my deepest, darkest secrets, but still stayed."

I stared into his eyes, I watched as green darkened, his eyes briefly moving down to my lips. Realising his intent, I shook my head slowly.

"Oh no you d-" I was cut off by his lips pressed a ghostly kiss to mine. Just like a snowflake, it was beautiful. It was a whisper of something that could be.

"Mmm.... Chocolate." He licked his lips before leaning back into his chair, as he ran his hand through his hair, a trademark of his. I clutched my coffee tighter.

"Sneaky." I muttered behind my coffee cup. A slow grin fell lazily across my face as I watched him. His long fingers drummed the wood of the table, his green eyes a magnificent emerald in the dull light of the night. I loved how the street lights illuminated him in a bath of warmth, the yellow glow of the lights reflecting in his eyes, highlighting all the rich tones of his hair, his soft olive skin.

I like him too much than I should, I thought, and I have absolutely no problem with that.

"Here you go milady," Caius said with a posh accent. He moved my coat around my shoulders, readjusting my scarf, his hand slowly slipping down the fabric before buttoning up my coat.

"Thank you, kind sir." I whispered as we stepped out of the corner café, the rain pounding down on our umbrella.

"These are my favourite type of evenings." Caius muttered a while later.

"Raining?" I asked as we walked down the cobbled streets.

"The type where it's quiet and all you can hear is the sound of the rain pound down on the pavement, the only thing you see are the street lights being reflected into a masterpiece within the puddled sidewalks; the type of night that it so effortlessly beautiful, like you."

"Caius, I'm no-"

"I love you Clara." He whispered.

I froze. My feet came to a halt while he kept walking before noticing that I had stopped. The rain was heavier now. My coat did little in attempt to keep me dry in the unpredictable weather. Love? What a concept. It's what I had wanted, yes? Is it what I wanted now? I'm not sure. But then again, how can you be sure when it comes to something so complex. Caius made it sound like he was shouting the words as if he was screaming "hello" to his friend across the street. Like the L world 'love' was something you could just through around in everyday conversation.

It was what I wanted. So why did it feel so strange hearing it from Caius? What were these feelings I held as I stood there in the rain, watching the look on his face as I registered my silence.

He stared at me, his eyes sad as he noticed my hesitation.

"I don't know." I muttered.

"You don't have to say it back, Clara. It's just when we were sitting in the café, the way you looked, you looked so beautiful Clara. I looked at you and I forgot all my regrets, all my horrible past, because it didn't matter for one moment. All that moment was- god, Clara, you don't know how hard it was for me to say those words. I looked at you and saw something, someone I could be for the rest of my life. I was someone who dances with you in a dark café, a guy who wouldn't complain if I got to hold you in my arms or kiss your sweet lips every day for the rest of my life."

Tears fell freely down my face, blurring with the rain.

"As you were sat there, all I could think was, god, I love this girl. That I am in love with the girl who was avoiding my gaze all evening, the girl I want to talk to everyday just to hear your voice."

I hiccup, more tears falling.

"You don't have to say it back, I don't expect you too. I just needed to let you know that I have never loved someone the way that I love you right now."

I closed my eyes, feeling the raindrops fall onto my eyelids. I felt them tangle in my eyelashes. I loved him, but I was scared. I had never been loved. I had never truly loved someone the way Caius was asking me too.

"I don't know...how." I whispered.

Caius walked forward, the umbrella covering me once more. He tilted my head up with a light chuckle. "Me too, Clara... Me too." Leaning close to me, he tucked his head into my shoulder. I felt a drop fall onto my shoulder. At first I had thought it to be rain, but after Caius' hands began shaking at my waist, I let him cry against my shoulder. Circling my hands up his chest and around his shoulders I kissed his exposed neck softly and whispered a soft, but promising "okay." 

Caius (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now