"Thats fine." I gave her a strong grimace. "I'll just have a grand time at table-"

"19," Abbey corrected.

"19," I repeated.

"It was nice meeting you," Eleanor softly said.

I grinded my teeth as I made my way towards a table filled with elderly woman and a few of there son's I assumed. They couldn't be any older than 10 or 11. I pulled out one of the seats and the woman's chatting had ceased.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interupt," I gulped.

"Its fine!" One of the ladies grinned. "I'm Donna, this is my son Bryden."

"Sydney," I smiled back placing my napkin onto my lap.

We got into a deep conversation where I was laughing so hard my side hurt. This was more fun I had in a long time with the girls. I would have to blame Abbey. I caught glimpses of Abbey and Harry looking over at me. I just chuckled and smiled larger. It was odd that I hadn't seen Niall all night. I talked with Zayn a bit and he complimented how well my dress looked on me. That was probably just because he picked it out.

"Please excuse me," I spoke pushing my chair out.

"It was so nice meeting you Sydney. You're a lovely young lady." Donna said.

"Nice meeting you too. I'm sure I'll see you again." She nodded and I made my way to the middle of the hall. I sifted through some people towards the beverage table and poured myself some wine.

"Having fun?" A voice inquired making me jump out of my own shoes.

"Are we always going to scare eachother?" I yelped almost dropping my drink.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Why aren't you sitting with us?" Niall questioned glancing at the few people including Harry and Eleanor at the table.

"Apparently my big fat arse doesn't fit," I sarcastically said lifting my glass to my lips.

"Where did that come from?"

"I'm not welcome under Abbey's terms,"

"Who the hell cares about her,"

"Well I was given a warning or else."

"Or else what?"

"It's Abbey. I don't think I want to find out."

"Agreed," Niall chuckled. He slipped past me getting a drink for himself then placing his hand on the small of my back to lead me out of the crowd. I walked slowly juggling my clutch and my drink before clattering into the back of a young man.

"S-sorry," I muttered. The man turned around then my eyes bulged.

"Sydney, It's nice to see you." Evan chastefully grimaced.

"I wish I could say the same." I scoffed. I could still feel Niall's fingers hugging onto the fabric of the back of my dress. The atmosphere had morphed to an overly uncomfortable feeling.

"How are you?" He asked but I could tell it was forced.




"Sydney, I would appreciate if you were nicer to my brother." Abbey spoke calmly but as soon as she noticed her fathers departure from the scene her face flamed with anger. "Drop the attitude." She had almost everyone under her control. I earned looks from all the girls and boys, dirty ones at that matter. I didn't understand how people didn't realize what she was doing. It was fowl. Disguting. Frankly, I had no right to be nice to Evan.

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