Chapter 2

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  So, the book will get more exciting! I don't like editing so if you see any mistakes comment and I will change them.

Chapter 2

The only thing that could go through my head was ‘oh my god.’ It played over and over again. I couldn’t move, even if I wanted to. Someone gave me a soft push behind me and somehow I started moving. I could hear Andia’s muffled voice ahead of me but I couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Eventually, after what seemed like hours, I got to the stage and I could feel Andia’s hand reach my arm but I don’t dare look at anything but my feet.

“Don’t be shy, look at everyone.” she said, pushing me with her hip.

I looked up and saw every eye staring at me. It was embarrassing but its not like I could have helped it. I can see my mother’s teary eyes trying not to look me straight in the eye. I feel like I’ve committed a crime.

“Are there any volunteers,” No one moved “no… alright then. Ladies and gentlemen our District 5 tribute Lily Green!”

She pushed my arm up into the air and I forced myself not to smack her with my free hand.

“Next, lets pick our boy tribute.”

She moved over to the boys ball and reached in. I couldn’t help thinking that a boy is about to experience the same thing I did. I don’t care if I absolutely hate the guy, I don’t want anyone else going through that but that’s not how the games go. She pulled out the boy slip and read the name. It was Rode Smythe.

I had absolutely no idea who this boy was. As he came up to the stage I looked at how he looked. Extremely underfed, dirty clothes, skinny, no muscles, he didn’t stand a chance. At least I had muscles and could use a slingshot. He couldn’t hold a weapon to save his life.

They asked for volunteers and announced his name once more. Andia led me to a room with two love couches and led Rode into another. This is the room where loved ones said goodbye. My mother came In first.

“Lily, before you interrupt me let me just tell you something, you are bright and you at least have a slingshot. You could win this thing and that is all we will say about the games. Now I’ve never been to the cheap grain lady so tell me what to do to get grain.”

“Well, she likes squirrels, she’ll give you any grain for a good plump squirrel.”

“How do I get a squirrel?”

“You can use my slingshot and shoot one from the tree in our front yard.”

Just then one of the Capitol’s peacekeepers walk In the door and told us the 3 minutes were up and my mother had to leave. My mom gave me a big hug and walked out the door.

I waited there for the remainder of the visiting time but no one else came. It might upset some people that only one person came to visit but it didn’t upset me because I don’t have any friends. If I do win this people will be begging at my feet to be my friend so it really doesn’t matter.

After about 20 minutes of waiting there a girl peacekeeper came and led me to a car. I’ve never been in a car because travel isn’t allowed between Districts but it doesn’t match my expectations. After we got in the car the cameramen were going crazy at the windows, trying to get pictures of us. Andia explained that they needed good pictures of us before the games(which shouldn’t be too hard) so that people can see how we’ve changed. It really is just ridiculous.

After the car we would go into a train that looked like a castle inside. We would arrive at the capitol in this train and it would take about 1 day I was told.

Andia told me to go in my room and wait until dinner. I was amazed by the clothes and tried on what had to be about 20 dresses. I picked a big puffy bright green dress. Then I looked in a box on the blue and silver dresser and found a green hair band and put it on. Somehow I think they found out I’m a girly-girl.

After about an hour Andia yelled that I should come down to dinner. When I got there I found so much food it looked like you couldn’t fit one more thing on the table. I also found my mentor, Marina. She helped you get through the games alive by helping you with sponsors and training you with weapons. She is the girl who could change life from death. She came up to meet me.

“It really is an honor to meet you, Lily.” She said, shaking my hand.

“Its more of an honor to meet you Mrs. Marina”

“Oh, don’t be silly, call me Marina.”

I could already tell I liked her, but it’s a little hard to like someone who’s getting you ready for death.

We sat down and dug in to the most delicious food I’ve ever tasted, but then again I haven’t tasted much decent food in my life. After we ate she told us to try to go to sleep because we have a big day tomorrow. When I got to my room my bed was already pulled back and ready for someone to get in.

I laid in my bed until I dozed off and then dreamed of The Hunger Games. I dreamed I was in the cornucopia bloodbath, ready to start running when someone came up behind me and stabbed me in the back. I ran as far as I could dogging people, running to get their supplies and fell on the ground. After the bloodbath ended I was being taken up by one of the capitol’s hovercrafts. For some reason, I did not want to leave. I was almost at the top when I woke up.

I went down to breakfast and Rode was talking with his mentor so, I decided I’d talk to mine. When I sat down she left, but I didn’t really care at the moment because I was too hungry. About 2 minutes later she sat back down next to me. All my worries are gone about her not liking me.

“So, do you have any questions about how to stay alive?” She asked me.

“Yea, I guess. I just don’t know how to catch anything other than a squirrel out of my front yard.”

“Well the training center will help with that. They help get you in shape for the games for around 3 days and then they send you out.”

“O.K. That helps but I still don’t think I can kill a person.”

“I never thought I could either but if you want to live you better learn how to soon.”

This conversation was getting awkward. I didn’t want to discuss killing people with someone I hardly know. I decided to turn my attention to a yeast roll.

“Have you ever had bread like that?” She asked me.

“No, I’ve only had the bread from tesserae and the weird grain from the bakery.”

“Well try it.”

I took a bite into it and I felt as though it was melting in my mouth. I loved the capitol’s food.

Just then the loudspeaker came on and told us we were going to be at the capitol in 1 hour and that was when I met my stylist.

She came in screaming, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back to my room. She stuck me in the shower and told me to put on shampoo and conditioner. Then she introduced herself as Andrea. After she got me out of the shower she did my makeup and hair and put me into an old-fashioned blue checkered dress that tied at my waist.

After about 30 minutes she finished and put me in the main car on the train. After 5 more minutes Rode came in and somehow they made him look bearable. They must had to hire the best prep team in the country because it is a miracle that he even looks bearable.

Just then the train came to a stop and I looked out the window. There were tons of capitol people there with their cameras and crazy fashion. I still find it crazy that this many people watch the games.

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