The last thing he wanted to do was get into a fight with his fellow submissive. Luke sat up, eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

"I didn't ask for them to do any of that," he mumbled.

Michael pursed his lips at the taller boy's odd behavior.

Chalking it up to being cranky and, maybe, bad sleep, the green-eyed submissive took it upon himself to make the blue-eyed boy feel better. That was simply in his nature. 

"I'm sorry, Lukey," he said softly. "Are you tired?"

The blonde nodded, lifting his knees to his chest and burying his face in his arms.

"Yes. I'm so tired. My body is tired. My brain is tired. I just want to cry, kitty," he whimpered into his forearms before lifting his head to look up at Michael. "I'm sorry, Mikey. I shouldn't have said that about our dominants. They're so good to us. I don't know why I said that."

Michael softened at the apology before leaning forward to place a soft kiss of Luke's forehead.

"It's okay, Lukey. Everyone has those days where they just don't feel like themselves. Don't feel bad. I know you didn't mean it, baby," he assured the other boy.

Luke sighed in relief, smiling slightly at the pet name that Michael had picked up from their dominants over the last few months. 

He let his face fall back into his forearms with a tired huff. Michael stared at the other boy in concern before reaching forward to gently lay Luke down on the bed. The blonde fell back easily, eyes blinking heavily with exhaustion. His fair skin was a bit paler than usual and he had dark bags beneath his darkening blue eyes. Looking a bit closer, it seemed to the green-eyed submissive that Luke had lost a bit of weight. That was not too odd, considering that Luke had always been a bit on the skinny side but that didn't mean that the weight loss was normal or healthy. If he thought about it, Luke hadn't had much of an appetite over the last couple of weeks. Michael frowned at the sight. He hadn't noticed that Luke had been getting more exhausted than usual, hadn't been keeping up with his diet and it made him upset. 

He spent the most time with Luke, so he should have been the first to notice.

"Sleep, Lukey. I'll make breakfast. I don't want you to get sick, okay?" he told the blonde, leaning down to kiss Luke lightly on the lips.

Luke smiled at the loving contact, raising his head to peck Michael once more before he pulled away with a tired sigh.

"Thank you, kitty. I love you so much," he said softly, sinking into the sheets.

Michael grinned happily, like he did every time Luke said that he loved him.

He carefully covered the boy with the warm, white comforter before leaving the room for the kitchen. As he descended the staircase, he quirked his lips as he contemplated Luke's earlier behavior. He'd have to watch out for Luke a bit more. The blonde was tired. Too tired to even get up and make breakfast like they usually did. If he tried to push himself, he would end up getting sick and Michael didn't want that.

The green-eyed submissive pulled out a couple of pans, some eggs, bacon and bread. Grabbing all the basic condiments, he quickly began to make breakfast.

By the time the submissive had all the food out on the table and was quickly setting down the mugs filled with coffee for his dominants, Ashton and Calum were walking in and settling down on the table. Both men were dressed in office suits with ties hanging neatly around their necks. Michael blushed at the sight of his well-dressed dominants. It was a habit of his that happened every time they came out in the morning.

He really couldn't help that his dominants were so attractive.

Ashton was the first to look up and notice what was missing.

"Where's Luke, kitten?" he asked.

Michael fidgeted from where he stood, twiddling his fingers nervously.

"He's still in bed, Daddy," he replied honestly.

Calum looked up at him with a frown and Michael felt the need to bend down and beg for forgiveness. Even though, there was really nothing to forgive.

"Why is that?"

Michael bit his lip before replying.

"He's tired, Sir. Very tired. I didn't want him to get sick, so I told him to stay in while I made us breakfast."

Ashton raised an eyebrow.

"Tired? How tired?" he asked, tone morphing from confused to concerned.

"He snapped and got angry when I woke him up – but he apologized right after!" he added, not wanting to give his dominants reason to punish Luke. "He looked so tired, like he was about to cry, so I made him go back to sleep. I'm sorry. I just didn't want Lukey to get sick."

Ashton stood and walked over to the submissive, quickly cupping the smaller boy's face in his large hands before leaning down to kiss Michael on the lips.

"Kitten. Don't worry. You did nothing wrong. It was out of concern for Luke. We're not mad. Thank you for making breakfast but we should go up to check on our baby boy, yeah?" he questioned.

Michael nodded in response, grateful that he wasn't in trouble.

"If Luke's getting sick then we have to make sure he rests and gets proper care. He's our submissive. We love him just as much as you do," Calum told him, getting to his feet. "You did the right thing, kitten. How about we go check on our lover?"

Michael smiled at his dominants, reaching forward to hold Ashton's hand in both of his.

"Yes, please. I want to see if Lukey's okay."

Both men smiled at the submissive's concern.

"He'll be fine, love. Don't worry. We'll make sure he's okay."

Dominion (BDSM AU) • C.A.L.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now