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Zayn POV
After that, Dumb and Dumber ran out of the cafe, scared shitless. I meanwhile, was finding it a little hard to breathe.  The man who defended me walks over.

"Are you okay?" His green eyes are filled with concern. He's so tall that I almost have to look all the way up. Then again, I am like 5'2.

"Oh....y-yeah..I'm fine." But I guess my eyes didn't get the memo, because I start crying. That was the last straw today. The nice man pulls me behind the counter, to the back of the shop. He pulls up a chair for me, and I sit. By now I'm sobbing. Those disgusting guys, touching me. I can still feel their hands. And all they cared about was my butt. I've tried to come to terms with the fact that no one will ever love me, but I can't.

"You've got to stop crying or you're going to make yourself sick." I try to regulate my breathing so I can calm down.

"I'm Harry. What's your name?" He starts rubbing my arm to calm me down. I know by now I probably look like a raccoon.

"My name's Zayn Malik. T-Thank you for what you did back there, I really appreciate it."

"Of course. I'll get you a tissue to wipe your eyes." He walks over to the counter and grabs some napkins.

"Here, hop up on the counter so I can clean your eyes."

"Hop on the counter? That counter? I don't think I can- Oh shit!"

Next thing I know, Harry is grabbing my waist and lifting me up and onto the counter. He brushes a strand of hair out of my face and smiles.

"I'm gonna need you to take off your glasses, love." I had to wear my glasses today because yesterday, when we were getting ready for church, Louis decided that he wanted Mommy to hold him,all day. So I was trying to put my contacts in, and Louis started trying to climb me. And I dropped my contacts down the drain. That was a great day.

"O-Ok. I can wipe them myself, you don't hav-."

"I know. But I want to." If he interrupts me one more time, I swear. I take off my glasses anyway. He starts to wipe my mascara until the napkin is black. Then he takes his thumb and wipes my tears. I put my glasses back on and he looks at me for a moment.

" 'You know', he smiles, showing his perfect teeth, ' you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.' "

"Oh. Thank you." I can feel my cheeks heat up and I look down. When I look up, Harry is biting his lip, staring at me.

"Can I kiss you? " I can genuinely say that I am shocked. But Harry did save me from those guys, plus he's like super hot.

"O-Ok." Harry grabs my face and starts stroking it. My heart rate picks up and Harry begins to lean in I close my eyes. I can feel his breath fan over my face and-

*Ring-Ring* *Ring-Ring*

Fuck. What fucktard just had to call me at this exact moment. Why is the universe against me?


"Ms.Malik, Mr.Horan wants to know where you are ."

You know that feeling when you check your phone and see six missed calls from your mom? That is how scared I was right now.

"Oh my gosh. Yes , I'm so sorry. I'll be there in a second." I put my phone back into my purse and slide off of the counter.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Do you think I could get two coffees and pastry, please?" I could tell Harry was disappointed, but he nodded anyway. I followed him to the front, where he made the coffees and gave me the pastry.

"Thank you so much. I have to go, bye." I start walking to the door but Harry stops me.

"Wait. Can I have your number?" I blush and look down. I try not to let him affect me too much, just in case he's like the last one.

"Sure." I write my number down on a napkin and give it to him. I rush out the door, trying not to spill the coffee. I get to the building and try to work the elevator. My hands are full and none of my lovely coworkers attempt to help me, so I bump the button with my hip. They come in handy every once in awhile.

I put my coffee on my desk and knock on Mr. Horan's door.

"Mr. Horan, I have your coffee." I wait to hear his response before I head inside.

"Ms. Malik. What took you so long?" I don't want him to tell him everything so I just make an excuse.

"Oh nothing, just a really long line."

"Are you sure? You seem-"

*Abc, as easy as 1,2,3. As simple as do re mi, Abc, 123 baby-*

I quickly answer my phone, knowing it was the daycare center.


"Is this Louis's mother?"

"Yes this is. Is everything okay?"

"Well, Louis got into a fight with another child at our facility." Fight? He's 2. Ok...

"We need you to come here and pick him up."


"Yes ."

"Ok, thank you. Goodbye." I hang up and look up at my boss. I really hope he can understand.

"Is everything alright Ms. Malik?"

"Um, well my son. He got in a fight with one of his classmates, and I have to go pick him up." He arched one of his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Your toddler got into a fight?" I just smile sheepishly and nod.

"Ok you can go, but come back."

"Thank you sir"

I walk out of his office and down to my car. On the way over, I wonder whose little brat hit my baby. I know Louis didn't just randomly hit someone. I taught him to finish fights, not start them. Plus, he's too much of a sweetheart.

I pull into the parking lot for the second time today and walk inside. I don't see my baby anywhere, so I walk into the office they have. I see my little man sitting in a hard plastic chair with.... his lip all swollen! Oh hell no. I walk towards him and grab his face, examining his lip. There's a little blood from when he bit his tongue. I look to my right to see the little devil who hit my baby. I see a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. His hair look all matted and he has an ice pack on his knee. He also has a band aid on his cheek. He kind of looks like....

"Sorry I'm late , traffic was hectic."

I look to the door and see...



Sorry for the long wait but I started school then I got sick. But I'll try my best to update. Don't be afraid to comment suggestions or anything like that. Hope you have a good day.


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