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Zayn POV
I get to work in 10 minutes, which means I'm late. Ugh, hopefully no one notices. I try to walk as quietly to my desk as I could.

"Late again Zayn?" says Perrie, the bitchiest bitch of the west. I roll my eyes and try not to cuss her skinny ass out. I don't even know what she does here.

"Don't you have to be annoying somewhere else?" I sigh.

"Nope." A smirk appears on her face. I'm so done.

"What do you want, Perrie?"

"I wanna know why you're always late? I know you're fat but come on Zayn. Really?"

My mouth falls open in shock while she just keeps going.

"I bet it took you like 15 minutes to get into that skirt, huh? I'm surprised it didn't split at the seams, you know, what with that huge ass you have. I can't believe your chair hasn't broke yet." She rants.

At first I'm angry. "Perrie, get your 11 year old boy-looking ass out of here before somebody gets hurt. And let me tell you, it ain't gonna be me." I look at her, daring her to say something. She rolls her eyes and saunters away. I feel my temper dropping, and I start realizing that what she said, was true. I am too fat. I need to lose weight. I throw away the banana I was going to eat and start working. Mr. Horan calls me into his office.

"Yes Mr. Horan, you called?" I look up at him. He's so attractive. His spiky blonde hair, dashing blue eyes, I could stare at him all day.

"Ms. Malik.... I've been calling your name for the past minute... Are you ok?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine...just thinking." I bite my lip unconsciously.

Niall POV
I look up at my personal assistant to see her biting her lip. I watched her plump, red bottom lip disappear under a row of white teeth. I almost groan out loud, but catch myself. My eyes scan her figure, taking in all of her beauty. Her top is sinfully tight, along with her skirt. I just wanna bend her over my desk and-

"Mr. Horan? "

I redirect my attention to Ms. Malik. "Yes, sorry. Anyway I was wondering if you could get us some coffee, please?"

"Yes, of course sir. The usual?" She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Yes, thank you." She turns around to walk away and my nose almost starts bleeding.(A/N-Ha anime reference. #SorryNotSorry) I watch her juicy hips sway from side to side and almost explode right there. And oh god her ass. It's so big and beautiful, I just wanna spank her-

"Mr. Horan, I asked if you wanted a pastry with that and you started to sweat. Do you need some water?" Oh shit.

"No I'm fine. Uh....yea I could go for two glaze donuts."

"Ok, bye." As she leaves, I start to think about our relationship. I really like her, but it be seem unprofessional to ask her out on a date. I don't even if she's single.

"Mr. Horan, your  9:00 is here." Well, back to work.
Zayn POV
As I walk to the coffee shop down the street, I think about what Perrie said to me. Even as a little....girl, I was always insecure about my weight. Kids would always pick on me and call me mean names. But what I hated the most was when boys would ask me out on a dare, or just to get a reaction out of me. As I grew up I became more confident, but that feeling never went away. After I had Louis, I felt even worse. I was alone and didn't have anyone to share my love with. Plus, during the pregnancy, I gained like 25 pounds. I felt awful. I'm starting to feel better,well I was, until today.

I walk into the shop, smelling the fresh coffee and pastries. I wait in line for my turn, and I hear a group of guys behind me, snickering.

"Aye, mama, why don't you back that thing up?"

"You got cake for days, baby!"

"Do she got da booty?"

They pretend to look around and their eyes finally land on my ass.


"Can you guys stop?" I roll my eyes.

"Aw, come on baby. Don't play hard to get." says the one a repulsive mustache. He reaches out to stroke my face and I smack his hand away.

"Get the fuck away from me, you pervert." He just grabs my arm and pulls me towards his chest. His other friend goes behind me and smacks my ass. I struggle but his grip is too tight.

"Aye, the lady said get away from her." I turn my head at the deep voice and see a very handsome man with very green eyes in a uniform.

"So? I don't want to get away from her. What are you gonna do about i-"

The cute barista socks the douchebag in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. The guy who slapped my but is now pulling me to him. Thankfully, Emerald Eyes grabs the guy by his throat, lifts him into the air, and throws him into a table. I decide that I'm done being the damsel in distress, so I stab my 5 inch heels into Mustache's crotch. My knight  in shining armor, I still don't know his name, picks up the guy by his shirt, getting in his face.

" 'If you ever touch her again,' he growled. ' I will not hesitate to fuck you up." By now, it was getting a little hot in here.

"Now get the fuck out of my shop."

Hey guys. I know it's late, but I'm starting school tomorrow and I might not update as often. I'll try. Hope you like it. Vote and comment. I love comments.

Adios- Promise

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