Chapter Six: Steele

Start from the beginning

I pulled away and looked at them.

"Why am I here? Where are we? How did I get here?" 

"Steele, you're in the meadow." My eyes widened and I turned around. 

The Moon Goddess was standing before me, in her glowing glory. She was stunning, so beautiful. 

I'm glad. I've got some things to say to her.

"I'm not gay," I immediately said. She frowned at me. 

"No, you're not." I smiled in triumph. 

"See, I knew it. I knew there was a mistake," I said.

"No, there was no mistake. Frankie is your mate." I frowned.

"Aw, sweetie, you found your mate?" my mother asked. I nodded but continued glaring at the Moon Goddess.

"You just told me I wasn't gay. How is my mate a man?" I asked. 

"Because you may not be gay, but your wolf is in love with his. The wolves choose their mates. Not me. It's what is meant to be. Besides, he is going to help you fulfill the prophecy," the Moon Goddess responded in her angelic voice. 

"What prophecy?" My parents looked at me with worry on their face before looking back up at the Moon Goddess with a pleading look. 

"Never mind that right now. For now, you need to go find Frankie and comfort him. You're hurting him," the Moon Goddess said. 

"He's hurting me. Why won't he tell me what he is? I'm not sure how he can do all those things! He can move at the speed of light without transporting, has fangs, and yet a wolf. He's incredible," I muttered yet I knew the Moon Goddess heard every word.

"Frankie's feelings at the moment are filled with sorrow. I know he's willing to talk to you now. He's sorry," the Moon Goddess said. I didn't reply. Instead, I looked at her and then back at my parents and decided I wanted to go home. 

"Send me back. I don't want to be here anymore," I said. The Moon Goddess furrowed her eyebrows (which were flawless) and frowned.

"We still have more to talk about. Don't you want to spend time with your parents?" 

"Of course I do. When they aren't keeping something from me. Why don't people understand that I don't like secrets being kept from me. Frankie, my parents, Harrison, even you. I want to go home. Now," I demanded. She sighed and nodded her head. I hugged my parents once more before a flash appeared before me and I was back in the forest. 

Sebastian whimpered in my head. This was the longest I've ever gone without hearing him speak. 

What is it, Seb?



Frankie's wolf. He's in pain. 

Raul. Wow. So I know he has a wolf. Sebastian took over and immediately ran home, seeing his way through the dark forest perfectly. (I don't understand how they can do that) 

I got back to my house and searched my house but Frankie was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere. Sebastian was angry, searching every little thing in the house. 

Then, I smelt Garrett's scent. His scent was always here because he was my beta, but this time it seemed like it was floating over Frankie's scent. He must have taken him. 

Where's Frankie? I asked through the mindlink. 

He's right here having dinner with us. He seemed heartbroken after you left him for half of the day, you asshole. Garrett replied

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