Chapter Three: Frankie

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I knew I couldn't go home. If I did, he'd look for me there. He's probably looking for me right now as we speak. His wolf was probably going crazy.

Like I cared.

My wolf, Raul, did though.

I leaped from treetop to treetop, roof to roof.

My vampire, Stefan, was on a rampage. He did not like the fact that Steele used his stupid, seductive voice on us. Also the fact that Stefan was not happy that he was a werewolf. Not at all. He despised werewolves, which was why Stefan and Raul never got along. The feeling was mutual for Raul.

Nikolai, my warlock, was different. He was the quietest out of the three and the most wise. But because of that, he didn't really like Steele. He felt that Steele would make Raul weaker and since they all worked together, he would make the others become weaker as well.

Me, on the other hand, I didn't like his attitude. What the fuck was his problem? First he's on me, making me feel like the luckiest man in the world, then he's gone in an instant the second he realizes I'm a man. I know he's not gay at all. He's as straight as a nail. He couldn't love me and never would because I have a dick.

Then, he decides to jump on me again? What the hell?

Stupid wolf.

Raul growled at me for insulting him but I rolled my eyes. Stefan started agreeing with me instantly and Nikolai was silent. 

I just wanted to be left alone to protect myself. I didn't anyone to help me. I had three voices in my head already, I didn't need anymore. 

Especially not someone as demanding and annoying as Steele. 

Raul purred at the name, Stefan huffed angrily, and Nikolai was silent. 

Honestly, Nikolai was my favorite. He didn't speak unless he had to and it was actually useful when he spoke. 

The other two instantly growled/hissed at me for saying that. 

Nikolai thanked me but informed me that I shouldn't speak those words because it was very dangerous. I could lose the other two if I spoke words like that often. 

See what I mean? USEFUL! 

Anyway, other than those three, Steele would only be a distraction and I needed to stay focused. 

At least I could keep Steele out. I was stuck with them. 

I heard something shift in the distance and my eyes instantly focused on the figure. I immediately hid and crouched, following the direction of the shadow. The shadow stopped and I smelt the air. It was human but a mix of something I couldn't determine. It turned towards me and pulled out a gun. I dodged it quickly and moved to the shadow, instantly pinning it to the ground. 

It was funny how it thought it was going to take me down with a bullet. 


My hand went immediately around its neck and I extended my claws. The thing hissed at me and tried pushing me off and failed. 

"Why were you following me? Who sent you? What are you?" The thing laughed in my face, but it was strained. It was clearly losing its oxygen. 

"Doesn't matter who. Just know we killed his family and we'll eventually kill the two of you. You creatures don't belong on this earth..." it trailed off, only having a few breaths. I loosened my grip to hear what it had to say. 

"Killed who's family? What creatures?" It didn't answer and I spit in his face.

"Answer me!" I demanded. 

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