Chapter 5: Betrayal

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A month has gone by of laying on a bed and my muscles d ached for activity, after begging the doctors they decided to finally release me. "Here's your clothes, new boots, some non- vintage green underwear, along with your dog tag." A man said and seemed to be another commander. "Come with me and I'll show you your tent." He said and I followed him holding a stack of clothes in my hands. We walked by multiple small camps each tent was having, camp fires and small lanterns lit the place up and as I walked down the rows of tents each group that stood beside a fire watched me. We walk into a tent where two men stood inside along with Ash. "Unfortunately here's your tent, the rest had five in it and this was the only one that had three." The commander said as he stood with his hands behind his back. "Men, this is Lizz. The girl you found on the beach. She will be bunking with you, so don't teach her to be another fuck up." The commander said and then walked out. "Its about time they released you. I was starting to think you would become part of the bed." Ash said and threw her arm around Lizz. "That's the girl that we saved?" Blaze asked. "Yeah, blonde hair, blue eyes, pearly white teeth." Ash said and forced a smile on Lizz with her hand. "You know all I remember is her blood and algae stained clothes along with her blue lips." Jerry said and eyed Lizz down from head to toe. "Well at least she looks hot and not like a salad." Jerry giggled after saying it. Lizz smiles and turns the lightest shade of red and Ash seems to get this look of jealousy on her face. "Anyways, you'll be sleeping above me in the bunk bed." "Be careful, she likes to play with her gun before she goes to bed, wouldn't surprise me if you got another bullet in you." Blaze teased. Ash facepalms and sighs. "Sometimes I wish I had a new tent..." The guys chuckled and laughed at pissing ash off and soon walked out of the tent to go goof around the camp fire. "They're idiots, don't ever take advice or really anything from them." Ash went over to a metal chest and pushed it closer to our bunk bed. "You can put your stuff in there and don't be throwing clothing everywhere or the commander will have your ass lit for keeping a junk yard inside the tent." She informed me and I nodded. "Alright, wanna go look around outside? Take in your the area? Of course you need to get dressed in your boots and shit." She said. A couple of minutes later I pulled my pants up and button them, as I pulled off the shirt I got from the infirmary Ash began asking questions. "I've seen that tattoo before." She stopped me from pulling my green T-shirt over my head. "You have?" I questioned. "Yeah, um I forget his name, but its a guy and has a dragon tattoo just like that he's around the camp, always in and out because he's in special services." She rubbed her head trying hade to remember, but couldn't. I pulled the shirt the rest of the way over my chest and looked at my self in a mirror fragment that hung off the bunk bed. I looked to my right seen a small rope that was tided to a chest I took it off and used it as a hair band to put up my hair.

Me and Ash began walking around passing guys drinking a couple of beers and smoking. "Ya know you don't talk very much." She told me. "I'd rather observe everything than blurt out what I'm thinking." I responded while looking up at the moon as I shown down a small light. "A planner is what officials would call you. We don't have much of those around here, just a bunch of idiots." She said looking at jerry as we passed him and he just flipped her off. "You still need a gun don't you? Come on." We walked over to the armory where guns were hung on the wall and amo was overflowing in chests. "Pick any hand gun you want." A man said leaning against the wall with a sly smirk on his face and somehow knew what I was here for. He had small designs shaved into his black hair and wore no shirt. I gave a raised brow back in return and began to eye the wall. Ash began to talk almost whisper the man, but I tried to blur them out. Each gun looked similar and different at the same time, my eyes came across a glock and for some reason I wanted it as if it was calling to me. I grabbed the gun off the wall and began to look at it. "I'll take the glock." I told the man that stood by the wall watching me. "Do you know how to use it darlin?" He asked and began to walk towards me at the same time I noticed ash was gone. "Come here." He jestered for me to stand beside him. "See that target, you want to shoot slightly above it." He placed his hand on my shoulder bringing me in front of him. His hands slid down my arms and reached my hands where they were holding the gun. He guided my hand as I aimed at the red and white target, I could feel his hot breath on my neck and his warm chest on my back, he inched closer and closer to me. At the same time, the commander walked in, but did nothing. Lizz and the other man didn't see him. The commander waited to see what would happen."Ready?" He whispered into my ear and it sent shivers down my spine. "Aim." He whispered again and he helped my cock the gun. A smirk spread across my face. "Fire." I whispered and spun around and stuck the gun under the mans chin. His eyes were full of fear and he extended his neck trying to get away from the gun and he swallowed hard. "Maybe you want to think twice about touching me next time." I looked up to see the commander watching, giggling and dieing of laughter. I dropped the gun from his chin and he stepped back from me and seen what I was looking at. "I knew I was going to like you." He said throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Listen Carlos, you can't get them all." The commander said and me and him walked out of the armory. "Its been a long while since I last laughed that hard." He said and we walked back over to the camp fires. "Am I in trouble?" I asked him still carrying the gun in my hand. "Of course not, its about time someone scared some sense into that boy. Now if only you could do that to Ash." He looked around searching the fires. "Speaking if Ash where is she?" He asked. "I'm not sure, she was the one that took me into the armory to get a gun and then she disappeared." I responded and we stopped walking. "She set you up then. She left you to carlos." He told me. She set me up? I remember her talking to carlos while I was looking at the guns, she said something about a getting another gun. She was trading me for supplies. "Listen, Ash is a bit... Different. She's into violence, be careful around her." The commander walked of and shouted 'fires out' and then told every go to there tents. I walk into the tent, but no one was in there. My eyes went around Ash's belongings and seen the gun she was looking at back at the armory partly hidden under a pair of pants. She'll pay for what she did... I took the gun and put it under Blazes bed and threw the matrice back on the frame. Let's see how Ash will react to Blaze taking her gun...

I unlaced my boots and climbed into my bed that was above Ash's and placed my gun on my stomach my finger laid on the trigger as I pulled the covers over top of me bidding the gun and I drifted off into a light sleep.

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