×Bloodlust! Clowns! and Me!~~×

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Yo. I have updated!~~ I don't own Hunter×Hunter sadly..also I don't own the pic. This chapter might be a bit SRT like the last one.

Chapter 5
×Bloodlust! Clowns! And Me!~×
Chi's pov!~ (still)

After I heard the scream of horror Mr cl- I mean Magician caused. I turned to see this victim. "Oh!~ hey Moshi look! Mr.cl- *cough* Magician turned that guys arms into peddle like stuff!~" I exclaimed in my cutesy voice.

I saw Moshi sigh in what seems like to be in tiredness. 'What's his deal?' I turned back to see what my new toys thought of it. Gon was smiling but it was lightly strained. But Kurapika and Leorio shown obvious discomfort same with the fatso.

I just stared at them all with my red eyes boring into theirs. I could see the fatso and Leorio already turning into a puddle of jumbled nerves. I quickly brightened up my (fake) smile and shouted out in my (also fake) happy voice. "WHELP! It was nice meeting you guys!~~ I'm gonna go hang out with Mr. Clownsy pants over there bai bai!~"

And before any could respond I was already next to the Magician dressed as a psycho clown. "Eh?!" Was yelled out from theirs area. And I felt a smirk enveloped my face for a moment. Then I frowned.

'The seal is falling...I'm gonna have to do that whole weird thing again... I just wish it didn't have to be so soon..let see..how many do I have to kill to get enough blood for it? I'll just figure that out when the time is in a dire time. But I might be able to snag some kills here so I can at least deminish its ranks of bodies I have to rip open and even better!~ no one will suspect a thing!~' with that thought a smile was brought back to my childish looking face.

"Oh?~ why hello there little one~ when did you get here?~" mr. C- I mean magi- 'you know what f*** it I'm calling him a clown! Oh...my cussing problem is coming back...oh gez so its gonna be much sooner then I originally expected...'

 Looking over to him I felt a sudden blood lust start to leak from him. And when I met his golden orbs with my red ones I saw how much he was struggling to not kill me.

'Like he can...great even that problem is coming back. Damn you moshi and you fading seal!' A smirk came to my face and I jumped up into the air. And I could tell he couldn't keep up with my movements with his normal sight.

And in a flash I was on his back and whispered in his ear with my colder voice. "That's a secret!~" I saw him shudder once I stopped speaking. But it wasn't from fear that I usually saw. It was from the want for my blood. 'Ah!~ he is such a deadly killer with an awesome style. He is going to be one fun toy!~'

Quickly I jumped back down to the ground. I looked back at him and smirked even wider. In his golden orbs was an insane filled blood lusting glaze that shielded his eyes. I felt my eyes burn lightly. " now now Mr.clown. not here. Too many. And I'm afraid my true power will be coming out in maybe about I want to say two years in the least so just wait patiently-" suddenly the walls around this sewer like tunnel started to vibrant and a large center block wall began to move up. 

And a weird tall man with purple hair and a curly mustache (but no mouth) came in. He said some stuff and all I caught was "the exams have started" and "please follow me." And everyone just started to follow. After awhile of running near the bloodlusting clown with pinkish/red hair I got bored. And for some reason Mr. Clown was just full out staring at my backside. I don't get why though.

'Meh. Oh? It looks like Gon made friends with the Zoldyck boy...Killua? That's good. I think it will be funner with those two then having my bum stared at by mr. Clown -.-....' And with that thought I ran to the two 12 year old's.

Yo!~ how was that? I hoped you liked it!~~

Love, kisacatdemon
Till next time my lovely readers!~~ (1w--)~♥

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