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“Your Highness, we cannot stay here for much longer,” the servant said quietly.

“I know, but the baron said he would meet us here at this end of the wharf, we must give him time,” said a man with a cultured voice, and a particular accent on his words.

This man was dressed as if he just came from some function, probably from a ball or a court function in the capital city.

“Highness, please we must-“

A whip and the chatter of hooves came pounding down the wharf. Horses breathing hard, a giant carriage wheeled to a careening stop in front of the waiting one.  A gentleman dressed in similar fashion as the previous one described, launched himself out of the carriage.

“Is it done?” said the man referred to as Highness by the servant.

“Yes it is done, my Prince. They will crumble!”

Suddenly from in the city behind them they heard an explosion followed by screams and the tolling of bells.

The prince smiled.

“Do not speak to anyone of our plans, Baron. You should not be afraid of me if you do, there are others more closely to you who will kill you then kill me. We must keep the camouflage of pawns before we can become the mastermind. Understood?”

“Yes Highness, I do. I have already informed my spies to disperse for the winter. My family and I will be gone on tour of the world.”

“Good job Baron. When does your ship sail?” The prince asked.

“My Prince I would tell you, but even your servant cannot be entirely trusted,” The baron said with a frown.

The prince should have taken offense at this, but he smiled and nodded his head in approval. The prince had a lot of common sense before honor. He kept his enemies very close. So few knew that some of his most hated rivals had a hand in his household. But even less still knew that he could pin point all of these spies without his eyes being open. But a prince was born to these things, that was the way of royalty and how they kept a check on each other.

The servant for his part kept picking at the dirt in his fingernail, almost giving an air of slight disappointment.

The Baron jumped into his Carriage and his coachman whipped the horses into a gallop, splashing water and scaring the rats from the street.

The prince looked up into the night sky while he took out a small pistol and aimed at the servant.


The servant looked up.

“Highness” He looked around ready to run.

“I prefer this meeting to stay private,”

“Highness I would neve-“


The servant’s body fell onto the wharf, the prince walked over and dragged it a few feet over closer to the water then kicked it into the sea.

“And good riddance,” said the coachman quietly.

“I know you wanted me to get rid of him Charles. But I needed his information.”

Charles only shook his head and stared ahead. He was a spy, but he is the prince’s spy, saved from the cold four years ago. Now he spied for the prince. He didn’t know much about what the prince did though, certain things the prince just kept to himself. And Charles knew not to ask.

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