Chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

After about an hour, Jaime and Tony came back with magazines and a board game. The Game of Life that is. Jaime brought me back a slice of cheesecake and some fruit. Danielle and Jessica came back with Lisa frank and turtle coloring books.
"Look. It looks like Tony.", Danielle said. We laughed.

My contraction cleared up a bit and I was able to sit up. The gang had to leave as it soon got dark. Mike stayed behind with me. He sat on the sofa and we watched the tv together.
"Well Austin is on his way.", he said. I looked over to him.
"He's coming? This late?", I asked. He nodded.
"Just texted me saying he was coming.", he said.
"I hope they let him in.", I said. He smiled.
"I'm going for a drink. You want anything?", he asked as he got up.
"A Sprite and a cup of ice.", I said. He smiled and gave me a kiss before he left. I continued to watch the television for a few more minutes. Then the door opened and Austin's hand was on the door.
"Am I late for the arrival?", he said as he popped his head in. I chuckled and he came in with balloons and a card.
"Hey. I was wondering if I was going to see you.", I said. He smiled and handed me the card as he gave me a hug.
"Of course I was going to come. I told them it was urgent. I couldn't miss this.", he said. I laughed. 
"Well, I'm not fully dilated. Plus I am 2 month early so I'm scared.", I told him. He took my hand and held it with his.
"There is nothing to be afraid of. You are the strongest woman I know.", he said. I smiled.

"I see you found the room.", Mike said as he came in the the drinks.
"Yes I did.", Austin said. Mike hugged him then sat the drinks in the table.
"Where are the others?", he asked as he sat on the chair again.
"They stayed behind. They still have packing for the tour we got going on.", he said.
"It's only two weeks.", I said. He nodded.
"Two weeks but so much equipment.", he said. We laughed.
"But they'll come by.", he said.
"Good. Cause I'm going to need all the help I can get.", I said. They chuckled.

~   ~   ~

It was now dark. I woke up to another contraction. I took a deep breath and rubbed my belly.
"Mike.", I whispered. He was sleeping in the chair next to me. I sat up as best as I could and took deep breaths. I grabbed my phone and saw it was about to be 3 a.m. I turned on some music to see if that would help.
"Eyes like a car crash. I know I should look but I can't turn away....", Bring Me The Horizon played in the background. Hearing them made me think of the boys. We haven't heard of them since the gone to their year tour up in Europe. I'll call them soon to give them the news. I'd also call my mom and let her know. She'll be real happy to know that her grandson will finally be here. Mike should call his parents too. They also are very excited for this. I looked over to Mike. I noticed he was making weird gestures in his sleep. I couldn't help but to laugh. I took more deeps breaths and soon my contraction passed. I relaxed and went back to sleep.

~  ~  ~

"Well, your not dilated fully but you have moved alittle. Do you have any questions?", the nurse asked as she finished check me.
"Yeah. My water broke two months well one month now before my due date. Is the a possibility my baby to be in a NICU?", I asked. The nurse took off her gloves.
"Possibility yes. But if you were good taken care of, the chances are very slim.", she said. I looked back at Mike. He took my hand and smiled.
"Ok. I'll have someone bring you two breakfast and I'll be back in a few hours.", she said. I nodded and she left.
"Mike. I'm scared.", I said. He sat next to me.
"There is nothing to be scared of. You were good taken cared of during your pregnancy. Everything will be fine.", he said. I gave him a weak smile and we heard a knock on the door.
"Is he here yet?", Tony said as he snuck his head around the door. We smiled and then the gang came all in.
"Hey guys. Thought you guys weren't coming today.", I asked.
"Why not?", Vic said.
"Yeah. I could live here.", Jaime said. We laughed.
"Anything new?", Jessica asked.
"Well, I moved alittle since yesterday but since I am alittle early there are chances he'll have to be in the NICU for a while.", I said. They got quiet.
"What's the NICU?", Danielle asked.
"A NICU is like a intensive care unit for premature babies.", I said. I began to feel tears in my eyes.
"I'm real scared guys.", I said as my voice cracked.
"Hey. No need for tears.", Tony said as he touched my knee.
"But the doctor said that if she took real good care of herself during her pregnancy she would be fine. And she did take good care of herself.", Mike said.
"Well there you go. Evelin, you did take good care of yourself. Even while taking care of us.", Jaime said. I smiled.
"Yeah. There's nothing to be afraid of.", Erin said. They all came around me and we huddled in a group hug.
"Thanks guys. I'll be sure to thank you in diapers.", I said. They laughed.

Later that day, I called my mom while I was alone. Mike went home to grab some clothes so he could shower.
"I want to look nice incase my baby comes soon.", he said. I chuckled to myself.
I grabbed my phone and called my parents.
"Hello?", my mom said.
"Hey mom.", I answered her.
"Evelin. Mija. How are you? You feeling ok?", she asked me.
"Well mom. My water broke yesterday and I'm at the hospital right now. But I'm not so dilated. But Bentley could be here anytime now.", I said.
"Oh my goodness. My grand baby is coming. Your Tia's and tios are here. I'll tell them. Hopefully me and dad can fly in soon.", she said. I chuckled.
"Actually mom. I kinda want to go over there. I've been wanting to take the gang to see Arkansas for a while now. Mike's been begging to again too.", I said
"That would be great. I miss him too. Well I'll let you go. I got new to tell everyone.", she said.
"Ok mom. Take care.", I said and with that we hung up.
Road trip soon could be fun. I smiled at the thought and turned on my television.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now