“So, you guys went to that one school, right? Cresco?” he asks.

"Yup,” I say cheerfully, kneading the bread dough to get all the air out.

“When did you start?”

“When we were eight,” Zan chirps.

“Eight, really?” his eyebrows shoot up, impressed.

“Yeah, we were always the nerds, way advanced in magic at a young age. At least there was a school to go to where we could excel without being made fun of,” Zan comments.

“That’s really astounding; it took me forever to even do the spell lumos.”

“Yeah, well, we try,” I say distractedly, glancing at my watch. “I’m going to go get the turkey!” I say to the two and dance across the kitchen and out the door, over to Zan’s house.

Walking back in, hot turkey in hand, I nearly run into Cedric who was standing in the doorway with his back to me.

“Whoa!” I yelp. “Sorry!” I twirl around him to set the piping hot food on the table.

“Sorry!” he apologizes quickly. “I didn’t know you were coming this way!” I pull off my oven mitts and head back into the kitchen, Cedric trailing behind me.

“It’s fine! Thanks for your help with the food, I don’t know how Zan and I would have finished it all,” I tell him, shutting the drawer I had opened to put away my mitts.

“No kidding!” Zan adds on, taking off her bright purple apron and hanging it on the pantry door. Finally without it on I can see what she’s wearing: a flowy red skirt with a black top and small black heels, keeping her hair down with a bright red flower in it.

I peel off my royal blue apron revealing my attire for the night: dark jeans and a silky purple top that had small flours on the left shoulder and short sleeves that ended in lace; on my feet I have comfortable black flats that match the black ribbon that’s tying my hair back.

I glance in the direction of the door when I hear a knock, but I don’t bother walking over there to open it because I see that Jake has already beaten me to it; instead I walk into the living room where everyone else has been sitting and chatting. In the room floats a kind looking woman with hair has black as night, and kind gray eyes; she’s holding the hands of two cute little girls. The older of the two has hair like her mothers, but astonishing blue eyes and a sprinkle of freckles across her nose. She’s bouncing on her feet, swirling her pretty green dress with one hand. The other little girl was halfway hiding behind her mother’s legs; she has light blond hair and blue eyes with a hint of green, which are peeking out and looking around at all the people in the room. She tugs nervously at her pink dress, and shuffles closer to her mom. Following behind her is a tall man, with platinum blond hair and deep blue eyes, who’s conversing with my brother. When he realizes that everyone his watching them he smiles at us before saying, “Hey everyone! You all know Kelly,” he says, gesturing to his wife, “but this is Annabel and May,” he informs us, gesturing to first the black headed girl then the smaller one in the pink dress.

The rest of the introductions are made, and I’m chatting happily with Mrs. Diggory and Jen, as we laugh watching Zan chase around May. As soon as the little shy girl met Zan, she opened up and has been having a great time. Annabel is watching, laughing and shouting to May to not let Zan catch her.

“So it will be great to be spending so much time with you girls when we go skiing next week,” she tells me cheerfully. A confused look passes across my face.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“Wait, your dad’s didn’t tell you yet? Whoops,” she chuckles nervously. She’s saved from a full on interrogation when the doorbell rings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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