I nod. "I've always thought that was my calling."

"So.." He trials off momentarily. "Does that mean we're cool?"

"Us? Cool? As in friends?"

He nods and smiles widely. "I'm thinking maybe even best friends. My current one has been a pretty shitty friend recently."

"You did kiss his girlfriend," I say with a shrug. "That's against the bro-code."

"Is it also against the bro-code to be in love with said bro?"

"This..this is why we can't be best friends, Tucker," I say pointedly. "It's just not normal."

Tucker sighs and nods his head. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's cool. Uh, see you in English, stranger."

I watch as he walks down the hallway, confident and friendly to the people he passes. Okay, so maybe Tucker Phillips isn't all that bad, but it's too hard for me to deal with his love for Asher. Why do I feel so guilty about this?

"Riley! Oh my gosh!"

"Georgia," I say with an unmatched enthusiasm and spin around to face the cheerful girl.

She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me in a bear hug. "I missed you! How was break? What'd you do for the new year? Did you get a hair cut? Have you seen Dexter's haircut? It totally threw me off. I was like, 'could that be him?' and then I was like, 'Dex!' and he like spun around and I was like, 'omg! Shut up!' and it was so funny! He's totally pulling off the James Dean look."

"Damn," I pause, "you should be a rapper or something. What was that? Like, twenty words per second?"

She giggles and shoves me slightly. "Come on, let's get to class so we can discuss my new rapping career with Dexter!"

"Georgia, first period starts in," I check the time on my mom's old phone that I am using as a replacement for 'school only', "twenty minutes."

She gasps and takes the phone out of my hands. "Your wallpaper is so cute!"

I take my phone back and look at the picture of Asher and me pre-secret Santa massacre. "Thank you. It isn't that easy to get Asher to take photos. I thought the Santa hats were cute though."

"Too cute!" she squeals. "Speaking of cuteness and couples, I want to ask a favor of you two."

I raise an eyebrow. "Okay?"

"There's this really cute guy who I met at the mall and he asked me out and I totally flipped. But my stupid parents won't let me go on a date alone with him since he's an older guy!"

"I mean, I see where they're co-"

"So," she cuts me off, "will you and Asher go on a double date with me and Steve?"

"Uh..." Shoot. No! It's a simple word. Why is this so hard for me? "Of course!"

She jumps and pulls out her phone, speedily texting. "Steve is going to be so pumped! Oh, Riley, he's just perfect. He's so cool. And totes hot!"

"This'll be totes fun," I mock, an unenthusiastic smile on my face.

About fifteen minutes of Georgia going on about this Steve, we head to history. She was definitely right about Dexter's haircut. He looks like a completely different person.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp and sit down next to him. "I didn't know there was a new kid coming! Hi, I'm Riley!"

Dexter looks at my hand that I stuck out in front of him but refuses to shake it. "Hey."

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