Chapter 2: Captured

Start from the beginning

I made it so Soundwave had to use a lot of his strength on me and so he would loosen his grip on my adoptive dad a little. It worked, he could breath again, but now he was denting me. 'Sorry, Ratch, but your gonna need to get these dents out of my form'.

3rd person POV.

Soundwave carried Dawn and Jordan into the command room and was setting up the video feed while heading there. When they arrived, the Autobots excepted their call and were now waiting to see what the cons wanted.

"Optimus been well? I have one of your Autobots and 2 humans.", Megatron said taunting Optimus.

"Megatron! Let Jazz and the humans go.", when he eyed Dawn, his optics softened.

"If you want them you hand over ALL of the relics and I will let the humans leave......unharmed. Jazz however, will be leaving with a few dents and gashes."


A smirk came upon the gladiator's face, ""

"You let me, Jazz, and Jordan leave here in the condition were in or, I'LL SLICE YOUR HELM OFF YOUR FRAGGING NECK!", Dawn threatened.

He laughed evilly and squeezed her hard, so even though she didn't need to breath she still choked. Her head became red then turned purple as dark as Megatron's Decepticon symbol. After giving the Autobots the coordinates, he turned off the video feed and brought the humans into the torcher chamber.

~Autobot Base~

After Megatron turned off the transmission, the Autobots were silent. No one wanted the humans or Jazz harmed in any way. Jack, Miko, and Raf all recognized Matrix but said nothing. They were scared to, they thought if they did she would be dead in a matter of seconds.

None of them in that room knew that they had indeed found Optimus' lost sparkling. In Cybertronian years the young femme would be 117, still too young to leave the parental units and live on her own. Little did they know Megatron was in for the surprise of a lifetime.

"I know that girl....", Jack finally said.

They all turned to the platform, "What is her name?", Optimus asked.

"M-", Miko covered his mouth so they wouldnt know.

Miko was the only one who knew about Optimus and Matrix. She had gotten a text moments after the transmission ended.

"Her name is Dawn Morris Johnson. She prefers to be called Dee.", Miko explained and Optimus nodded.

Jack and Raf however were confused as to why she lied. She brought them into a guest room Miko was staying in. She immediately started explaining.

"Oh", was all the two boy could say when she was done.

Bee started getting suspicious after 3 minutes of them being gone. He walked to the room where Miko, Jack, and Raf had gone. He knocked on the door using Ben and the talking on the other side stopped. Raf had opened the door.

-What's going on? And Miko why did you lie?- Bee asked.

"Uh, Raf. Translation?", Miko said.

"He wants to know what's going on and why you lied.", Raf said.

"Do we tell him?", Jack asked.

Miko nodded, "I lied because I know who Optimus' daughter is. And where she is."

-Where?- Bee asked.

"Bee wants to know where.", Raf translated.

"The nemesis.", Miko said scared for her friend.

-You mean? I GOTTA TELL BOSS BOT!- Bee's holoform turned around, but Raf stopped him.

"NO! You cant! She doesn't want him knowing.", Raf said hopeful that Bee understood.

Bee nodded and the 4 of them came out and headed back to the main room.

~On the nemesis~ Matrix POV.

Megatron carried me and Soundwave carried my dad. I sent a message to Miko in hope she doesn't spill my secret. We arrived at the room and I seen all of the tools they use to torcher bots. I tried to move after Megatron chained me up but it was as if I was frozen in place.

"Now, tell me fleshling. Where is the Autobot base? You obviously know since you are so close to Optimus.", Megatron said almost spitting in my face.

"I don't know. I have never met this 'Optimus' in my life! Even if I did know who she or he was or where the base is I wouldn't tell you!", I looked at the door as a mech in heels walked in I smirked, "Nice heels girly."

"They are not heels!", he screamed, "And for your information fleshie I am a mech and my name is Starscream."

"I would shake your hand, but I am stuck apparently. So, nice to meet you Screamer. I mean heely.", I smirked.

"Can I throw her off the ship?!", Starscream asked Megatron threw him across the room.

"No. She may be of use yet. Now tell me where is the Autobot base?!", Megatron yelled.

"I don't know. Honest.", he walked over to my adoptive dad and held a digit to his stomach.

"Last chance.", he said putting pressure on my dad's stomach.

"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!", he growled and killed my adoptive dad, "NOOOOOOOO DAD!!!!!!!!"

Megatron laughed and left with Soundwave and Screamer. I looked down at my dead dad who was now on the ground. I cried, he was the only dad I have ever known. I heard someone making out on the other side of the door, gross.

The door opened to reveal 2 mechs. The one who brought me here, Knockout and his partner Breakdown. Knockout laughed and pushed me, my blue hair was in my face covering my bright blue eyes.

Knockout walked and grabbed one of the torture tools, this specific tool could drill through any type of body. Even one like mine. He walked over and held it onto my arm.

"Tell me, where is the autobot base?", I rolled my eyes.

"Cant you creeps get the clue? I have no fragging idea!", he dropped the drill and tore off my left arm.

I screamed. My red blood started spraying everywhere. He and Breakdown left laughing. I have got to get out of here and take Jazz with me. I just need a plan......

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