The meeting

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Zayn's  POV .

Its been three days since uncle Simon said that we meet up with the girls and now the time is here, we are on our way to some place called the Towers for the meeting which starts around 2:00pm and currently its 1:30.

"Oh,thank God the dreadful meeting is finally here now this damn crises will be over,but i wonder what will be discussed? Harry says.

"I know right i wonder how we will solve this problem?"Niall says.

"Guys,its okay already, we've reached the Towers already so your questions will be answered in a few minutes!"says Louis.

I looked up and saw a very huge silver building with letters that read "TOWERS CENTRE" in neon sky blue.
"Okay,lads we've reached our destination,now lets go we don't want to meet some angry girls do we?" Says Paul

At that we all rush out of the van with images of angry little girls running through our minds and head over to the building to decide our fate.

Alexa's POV.

.1 hour later.

"Oh my,did you remember last night's episode of The Originals when Rebekah called Klaus a wanker?.
Irene asks while laughing.
"Yeah,it was epic,but I don't think I remembered the line did  it sound like "Klaus you bloody wanker"!shouts Kim.

We hadn't realised we where late for the meeting when we burst through the doors laughing like maniac's.

Only to see some very pissed of youths and two mad managers, our laughter died out immediately.

Awkward silence filled the room until I decide to speak .
"Um,how do I put this,
we where drunk last night and we had a terrible hangover that caused us to totally forget the correct time to be here,but on the bright side we still made it though!.
I said anxiously.

"Bright side!,
What's so bright about being one hour late to a meeting?.
Do you think the world revolves around you?.Asked the curly haired guy I assumed was Henry.

"Well, someone's got their panties in a twist" Kim retorted while defending me.
Tiana giggled.

If looks could kill,Kim and Tiana would be six feet underground by now because the glare that  the Henry guy sent their way  was frightening.
"I am sorry about that Henry...."I was cut of buy the guys giggling.

"Henry,hahaha seriously though Harry you look more like a  Henry than a Harry."
"Master Henry Edward Styles" the guy close to him said.

"Oh,shut up Louis"Harry remarked annoyingly.
"Enough,am sick and tired of your ranting!."
"Can't you behave like the young adults you are and let's discuss the reason we came here!"shouts Aunt Susan
"Simon"she says while looking at the other man I guess are the boys manager.

"Susan and I have found a solution to the present crises and we do not ask for your opinions on this matter"he says firmly.

"Why"Valerie asks the question that was going through my mind.
"Why?,you ask!'well because Susan and I have agreed  that both bands will be going on a tour for six months together."  Simon say with no room for our  opinions as they exit the room.

➡5 seconds later⬅

No, no,this can't be happening I can't live six months of my life with this bipolar egomaniac "Kim shouts while pointing at Harry.

"You think i even want to waste six damn minutes of my life with you obnoxious forgetful bitch,I mean what the hell are you famous for?
Your voice is whack"Harry  retorted


"why I otta break your nose!"Exclaims Kim as she jumps on his body and they start fighting.

The rest of us to shocked to do anything,just watched in silence until they started  kissing passionately.

"Um,is that supposed to happen?"asks Tiana

Zayn's POV.
   We didn't see this coming, the way they grabbed each other  was so unexpected we where still in shock until the black girl spoke.
"Um,is that supposed to happen?"she asks.
"I don't think so" I replied.
"Yo, Harry you and red hair can finish making out later, right now we have better things to discuss about"I say.

Harry groans and let's go of the red haired who was attacking him a while ago.
She  slowly walks back to her chair not looking  at any one
"Um,okay that was weird!"Alexa says.
Except from Harry and the red haired girl,everyone agrees.
"Before we discuss lets get  acquainted with each other,
My name is Zayn,that's Harry, that's Louis, that's Liam and that is Niall."
I say.
The brunette sitting across from me speaks up.
"My name is Alexa,"
She points to the red haired"she's Kim",
She points to the dark girl
"She's Tiana,that's Irene(blonde), And finally that's
Valerie (blue haired).
"she says.
"Hey"they say altogether.

"Now that's out of the way,
what are we gonna do about our present situation" my eyes meeting Alexa.


Oh my whats going to happen next.
1. Will they go on tour together for six months?
2. Will the girls ask Kim why she kissed Harry?
3. Will there be another solution to solve the crises?


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