Chapter 14: I'm Always Me

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Lilo brought her hands up to her soaked face. She rubbed the liquid out of her eyes, trying to dry off as quickly as she could. Suddenly, her mind completely cleared. Like a fog clearing, or as if she was waking from a dream. The flurry of emotions she had previously felt, the anger towards Angel, the guilt towards Victoria, it was all gone. All that was left behind was the real Lilo.

Stitch tilted his head, trying to see the face of the girl he loved. "L-Lilo?"

She stopped rubbing her face when she heard her name. Slowly pulling her hands away from her eyes, she saw the worried face of her best friend for what felt like the first time in forever. "Stitch, what...?" Lilo trailed off. Each and every memory of the days since her birthday rushed her like a flood. A wave of emotions, smiles, laughter, tears. Everything. Her face grew a bright red, as the embarrassment of it all finally set in. "Stitch. we... we did..."

"Yuuga remember?" Stitch dropped the spray bottle. He was prepared for her remembering, but he wasn't prepared for her reaction. Lilo covered her face, trying to hide the blush that was slowly taking over. He looked away and muttered, "Meega soka." With that, he took off at a run, not yet wanting to face the shame of the things he did.

Angel and Reuben called after him, but their cries were to no avail. If Stitch had heard his cousins calling to him, he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

Lilo heard the calls and the running footsteps, and pulled her hands away, but it was too late. Stitch was already gone, nowhere to be seen. "Stitch? Stitch!"

A crestfallen Angel and Reuben approached the girl, wondering if it was truly the real her. "Is it really you?" Reuben asked hopefully.

Lilo stood, nodding her head. "It's really me." She looked into their smiling faces, she could feel the joy radiate off of them. "So me and Stitch... we really?"

"Ih." Angel nodded her head enthusiastically. Quickly, she realized that it wasn't truly a happy thing. Because of her idea, a lot of problems had arisen. A lot of pain was dealt. "I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. I just wanted you and Stitch to be happy."

"I know Angel. I know." Lilo petted the girls head, lovingly. She couldn't be mad at her friends. All they wanted was for her to be happy.

Reuben picked up the discarded spray bottle. A few drops of the cure still held strong to the nozzle. It smelled odd to him. That's weird. Shaking off the odd feeling, he handed the bottle to Lilo. "So? What are you going to do now?"

Lilo held the bottle close to her heart. A small smile formed on her lips, slowly growing larger. "I'm going to go find Stitch. That's all I can do."

"That's my girl!" He said with a laugh. "You better hurry up. He's a fast one."

Lilo nodded, and with a final goodbye, she set off after Stitch. Determination set in her strong, unwavering eyes.

The two experiments stood and watched the girl run off. They hoped that she would be able to find him, and that perhaps they could finally find happiness. With a scowl, Angel punched Reuben in the arm.

"Who's your girl?" She asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

Reuben just laughed and gave her a kiss. "You are. Forever and always, my Angel."

Stitch had grown oddly tired as the sun finally began to set, soon, darkness would coat the island. His body should be able to do so much more, but his mind had grown weary. His footsteps slowed, his arms and legs grew heavy. The thoughts and guilt of his time as Lilo's boyfriend floated heavy over his head.

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