Chapter 7: Some Friend You Are

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Victoria found Lilo a little bit away from the school, on a hill in the trees that looked over the town. She was pacing around, still clearly angry as she muttered to herself.

"Who does Myrtle think she is? Insulting Stitch like that. I should have decked her right then and there." Lilo said as she pounded her fist into her hand. "Ugh, she just makes me so mad!"

"Lilo?" The sudden voice made Lilo jump a little. She was concentrating so much on Myrtle she didn't even notice her brown haired friend approach her.

"Oh, Victoria, it's you." Lilo started trying to calm her racing heart.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" Victoria asked, cautiously.

"No!" Lilo snapped. "Myrtle Edmonds is the bane of my existence. For years I've tried to get along and not hit her, not as much anyway... but no matter what I do she doesn't change. She'll never change!"

"I know she won't." There was a pause between the two. Once Victoria deemed it safe she decided to continue with her questioning. "So, you and Stitch, huh? That's pretty exciting."

There was an instant change in Lilo at the mention of Stitch. Her anger filled face suddenly relaxed into a blissful smile and her eyes clouded over into a dreamy stare. Whoa. That was quick, Victoria had thought.

"Yeah it is. It's been a little over a week now that we've been together." Lilo said, looking off into the distance as she started to think about Stitch.

"Really?" Victoria asked, already knowing the answer. She knew that Hunkahunka's effect would make Lilo confess. What she wasn't sure about was if Stitch would feel the same way about her.

"Yeah. Right after you had left my party something just came over me. I just suddenly told Stitch I loved him. I haven't come down from that feel ever since." Lilo suddenly grabbed her friend's hands and started jumping around in excitement. "It's been so amazing. You can't even imagine. He is just so caring, loving, gentle, and perfect."

"Whoa." Victoria was starting to get dizzy from all the jumping and spinning around. Lilo noticed and let her go, letting her catch her balance. Lilo made an apologetic look, but still couldn't contain her excitement. "Well, I'm glad everything has been going good for you two. I imagine Stitch couldn't be happier as well?"

Lilo hesitated in her answer. Victoria questioned this and wondered what had made her suddenly look a bit saddened. "He's been happy."


"..." Lilo sighed before continuing. "But sometimes he gets this distant look in his eye. Not a day dreamy look or anything like that." Lilo leaned up against a nearby tree and held herself. "It seems like there's always something eating him at the back of his mind, and he's not talking about it. I asked him about it last night but he said there wasn't anything wrong."

"You don't believe him though, do you?"

"I've known him for a long time now. I can tell when he's lying." Lilo looked down at her feet, digging the toe of her sandal into the ground. "Maybe I'm just imagining things?"

Victoria walked over and put her hand on Lilo's shoulder. "Hey, cheer up. If it was something important I'm sure he would tell you. He loves you after all right?"

Lilo gave a weak smile as she remembered all the fun they had the past week. "Yeah. You're right. I'm just being silly. We're actually going on a date tonight. A real one. Like, dinner and a movie and everything."

"That'll be fun." Victoria saw that Lilo was starting to feel better and more like herself. I guess now is a good a time as any. "So why did you get so mad?"

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