Chapter 1

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Stitch was running all over the house, he needed everyone in place and everything needed to be perfect. Today was Lilo's fourteenth birthday and as always, Stitch wanted it to be special. He decided to make it a surprise party this year, sadly not all the experiments could attend, which was to Nani's liking. Quite a few helpful ones did show up though. Felix was busy helping clean and Frenchfry was making a feast to satisfy the twenty or so experiment guests on top of the regular household. Reuben was in the kitchen trying to convince Frenchfry to let him make a bunch of sandwiches, but was quickly shooed out. Instead, he decided to help Angel and Sparky put up a bunch of decorations.

A blue blur throughout the house, Stitch tried his best to make sure everything was ready. Checking the kitchen a number of times to make sure the cake he made himself was still intact, he was satisfied that all was going well. Calming down a little, he went into the living room to help with the decorations, of which Dupe was supplying copies, which needed to be hung. All in all it was coming together. Red and blue balloons softly touch the roof in every corner and streamers of every colour cascaded the walls. Stitch had painted a large banner that read "Happy Birthday Lilo" which was adorned on the wall above the couch.

Everything was ready. All that was left was to wait for Lilo to get home. Victoria had taken her to the mall for the day while everyone got the house prepared. Lilo had no clue what was going on. As a family, they had decided to celebrate her birthday a few days later since Nani and David were supposed to work on her actual birthday. She didn't mind though, as long as she was with her ohana, nothing else mattered. She is going to be so surprised. Stitch giggled to himself, unable to contain his own joy. The entire time he could see Angel looking at him out of the corner of his eye. He knew what she wanted to talk about, but he kept brushing her off. He would make excuses not to talk to about it, for weeks now he had been avoiding her. Lilo even noticed Stitch was acting strangely, but knew he would say something if he needed to. It looked like tonight he wasn't going to be able to avoid Angel anymore though. I'll put it off as long as I can.

The sun was beginning to set on the island, Stitch knew it was almost time for Lilo and Victoria to arrive. He directed everyone into place and turned off the lights. After waiting a few minutes in utter silence, the door started to creak open.

"That's weird. Why are the lights off?" Confused, Lilo let Victoria in and closed the door. Just as she turned around the lights flicked on.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Lilo!" Everyone shouted at once, filling the house with a chorus of emotion. Stitch was at the very front of the group. He could see Lilo's face brighten with surprise and joy, she was completely awestruck.

"My gosh! Everyone? I had no idea." She looked out onto the room and saw everyone who had come on her special day. Nani came over and gave her a hug, wishing her a happy birthday personally. "I thought you had to work though."

"How could I work on your birthday?" Nani stood up and moved to the side, directing Lilo's attention to the bashful blue experiment. "It was actually Stitch's idea, he came up with it a long time ago."

"Really, Stitch?"

"Ih. Meega thought Lilo like surprise."

Lilo quickly pulled Stitch into a hug. "I love it, Stitch. Thank you so much." She gave him a kiss on the cheek before being pulled away for party games.

Out of the corner of his eye, Stitch saw Angel had made her way over to him. "Stitch."

"Nagga now, Angel." He didn't even turn to look at her, his focus was solely on his friend enjoying her party.

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