Chapter 10.2 - Backup

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"If you ever lay a hand on her again, I'll rip out your arm off and beat you over the head with it!"

"Put the gun down, boy." Eye Patch pointed his rifle at Kyle, but he ignored him, holding the rifle loosely.

Kay came next to him and leaned against him, rubbing her stomach, but seemed otherwise fine. "Thanks," she muttered.

Von Crooken sat up. "What are you waiting for? Kill her!"

Kyle pointed the rifle at Von Crooken's head. "How about I kill you instead?"

"Enough. Eye Patch," Snitch Gravel said, raising his right hand. Eye Patch switched targets, pointing the gun at Kay. "Drop the rifle unless you want me to kill the girl."

Kyle stared Snitch Gravel down for a few seconds, but he was serious, so he relaxed and threw the rifle to Von Crooken, hitting him in the head with it again. Snitch Gravel glanced from Kyle to Kay as if searching for something. His eyes turned a little glazed, as if he could see more, something that was beyond them. He shook his head, seeming slightly annoyed and composed his face into the same interested expression he had before Kay came into the picture.

"Good to know I wasn't wrong about your feelings. Now, seeing as I know your weakness, I want an answer to my original question. What were you hoping to achieve?"

Kyle stood quiet for a few seconds, trying to concentrate on the sounds of the battle behind him, but he couldn't tell what was going on. He hadn't heard any gunshots and that should be good enough. Eye Patch cocked the rifle and he knew he was out of time.

"Just wanted to keep you busy."

"Yes, I agree you've succeeded in keeping me busy. I just don't see why you would risk your life to do that—" Snitch Gravel stopped talking as Kyle grinned at him. "Okay, smart. I have to give you that. But in vain, seeing as I had no intention to order my men shoot your brothers. That was your plan, wasn't it?"

"That's what you were trying to do? I thought you wanted to strike him down," Kay said confused. Kyle took her hand and squeezed it, his eyes still on Snitch Gravel.

"I would if I could. Didn't count on it, though."

Snitch Gravel raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest. "Smart. But I don't need to have you shot. You are pretty terrible at fighting and therefore easy to capture. Only one of your brothers is still standing."

Kyle looked over his shoulder, but both Sam and Jerry were already on the ground having their wrists tied behind their backs. Tom was down too, on his back, struggling to escape the two men pinning him down. The girls and Carlos were already tied up together. Jimmy was the only one left standing. He was turning on the spot, trying not to leave his back uncovered, but was surrounded and stood no chance.

Kyle shook his head. "No, they're not. You got them both." Snitch Gravel had obviously mixed Jimmy and Jerry up. Not that it mattered. They were all at his mercy now. He'd have to wait for the perfect opportunity to escape, and this wasn't it. He reached out his hands, wrists stuck together, as if inviting Snitch Gravel to tie him up.

"Really? This is going to so be good." Snitch Gravel looked like he'd said something very funny. "However, I think you're a bit too dangerous to go around with your hands tied in front of you." He walked away from them. "Tie their hands behind their backs and let's move out. We've wasted enough time here."


Sam looked down at his feet, trying his best to make his way through the dense vegetation without tripping. It was hard enough that they had to climb, but having his hands tied behind his back wasn't helping his general balance. And like a sarcastic punishment, Snitch Gravel had forced them to carry their own luggage. The rucksack's straps cut into his shoulders. He'd never appreciated how heavy their stuff was since they'd had the mule.

Too Young (The Jewel Project #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن