Chapter 4.1 - Christine

Comenzar desde el principio

He stared at Sam, his eyes watery and for a moment seemed to consider if he should fight back. Sam waited, his fist back into striking position. Finally, Paul didn't seem to think it was worth it, so he scrambled to his feet and rushed away.

Sam watched him, unable to believe that he was retreating without a word. He'd never hit anyone for real in his life. He'd wanted to help Christine, but from that to actually punching her aggressor was a long way, a way he couldn't remember even considering to take. What was happening to him? He snapped out of it once Christine grabbed on to his arm. He hadn't even helped her up. Could he be more socially challenged around her?

"Thank you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his in what took him a while to realize was a hug. But it felt like much more. He hugged her back. It was so hot, it was a wonder he didn't catch fire.

She cupped his face in her hands. There was something in her eyes, in her smile that made his pulse race. And she was coming closer and closer to him until she kissed him gently on the cheek. His heart jumped to his throat.

"No one's ever stood up for me like that before. And you don't even know me," she went on in the same low murmur.

"I couldn't let anyone hurt you. I mean him. I couldn't let him hurt you." He whipped around, stalked to a nearby bench and dropped on it, wishing his head would stop spinning as if he were drunk.

Christine sat next to him and put her hand on his knee. "You're so sweet."

Sweet? Crazy, that's what he was. But he'd rather let her think he was a hero than a demented freak who couldn't control his own actions. Now his knuckles started aching reminding him he had a violent side he couldn't control.

Someone stopped in front of the bench. Sam raised his eyes and stared at Kyle. His brother squinted at him, an old, musty tome under one arm.

"Hi, Sam. Funny story. I ran into a guy moaning in pain with a bloody nose. Do you happen to know anything about it?" His tone was light, but Sam picked up on the sarcasm.

"Um... no?" As if his hesitant voice wasn't enough, Christine gave him away with an enthusiastic 'yes'.

Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose. "I told you I'd only teach you how to fight if you didn't go around breaking people's noses."

Yeah, tell me about it. Sam had found Kyle's condition a mere formality. It wasn't like he'd start going around beating people up. Except, he had. Ugh, what's wrong with me? What was Christine doing to him?

"Give him a break." Christine stood. "He only did it to get me out of trouble."

Kyle stared at Christine as if he'd never seen a girl in his life. Sam half expected him to say something completely senseless, but he just reached out his hand. "Hi. I'm Kyle."

She took his hand and shook it. "Christine. You're...?"

"Sam's brother. Sorry I have to steal him away so fast, but we have work to do." He nodded towards the book he was holding.

"That's okay." Christine turned to Sam and winked. "I'll see you around."

"Yeah, bye," Sam murmured. Yup, another successful conversation. He couldn't believe he was such a nerd around her. Christine was the type of girl who went out with witty, cool, charming, impossibly handsome guys. Like Kyle.

"Come on, kid. Quit daydreaming about her." Kyle nudged him. "You'll see her later. She couldn't keep her eyes off you, could she?"

Sam shook his head rapidly. "Really?"

As they walked home, he wondered how come he'd never appreciated how beautiful the park was in late spring.


"So, what do you think?" Kyle asked.

Sam rubbed his eyes. "Two legendary temples, unspeakable treasure, a sacred jewel resting within their bowls. Do you really think this is what we're looking for?"

"It would explain why Professor Dimwit is so secretive."

"You really don't like the guy, do you?"

"I actually think he's kinda funny, but he's insulting our intelligence with all the secrecy."

"So, you think he's after the treasure." As much as he tried not to, Sam found this hypothesis the most plausible as well. Why did everything have to be about money?

"That makes the most sense. And I hope it's the grand thing he's hiding from us."

The grand thing... Sam leaned back in his chair considering the possibility that Professor Harris was some grave robber. It still meant Sam got to study unexplored ruins and he really didn't care how much it would cost for the treasure to end up in a museum. "Well, I'm not above searching for ancient treasure."

"Me neither. It should be fun. So we can safely assume it's these Twin Temples of the Sun we're looking for."

"Where'd you get this book, anyway?"

"One of the guys at the Academy is obsessed with this stuff."

"More than me?" Sam had no idea why he felt competitive about this. It's not like it increased his cool factor. But the idea of one of Kyle's Police buddies being more into history than him was outrageous.

"No." Kyle smirked. "But he has the advantage of having a professor for a father. He took the book from the University."

Yay, I'm still the biggest geek around! Not that it mattered if he couldn't go. "How are you going to ask Mom and Dad to go?"

"Ask?" Kyle looked back at Sam as if he'd asked if he wanted to kick a kitten. "I'm not going to ask. I'm not even going to tell them."

"See, this is why you get into trouble with them all the time. You have to at least let them know." But since he wasn't under-aged, Kyle didn't have to ask. He could skip the country all by himself.

"Okay, then I'll tell them. The night before we leave."

Hmmm, that didn't sound like such a bad idea. The less they could think about it, the less they would know about the dangers the whole thing involved. "Yeah, I think I'll do that, too. Except I'll have to ask."

"Don't worry kid, I'll back you up."

"Thanks." Sam smiled, unable to believe how this camp was bringing him and Kyle closer together. For a moment, he wished Jerry was in on it, too. Then maybe all three of them could have fun. He leaned his elbows on the desk. "Should we talk to Jerry? See if he made the cut?"

"We should." The bed creaked as Kyle stood. "You'd better do it. For everyone's sake, I don't think Jerry and I should be in the same room for a while."

Sam opened his mouth, but Kyle had already walked the length of the room and let himself out. Sam sighed and put his head on the desk. If only there was some way he could get Kyle and Jerry to work together. He didn't want to be the ball his brothers bounced from court to court.

I must admit I probably had too much fun writing this chapter.

Right, what do you think about about Christine now? And Sam probably way too dorky for his own good.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment. I love hearing your thoughts.

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