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Jolene chewed on her nails as she paced the kitchen. She had been very busy recently, what with all the wedding plans and the baby. Her mind still continued to doubt everything as she stared at her phone waiting for a confirmation that would change everything. She looked at her son asleep in his car seat as she got him ready to spend the night at Anne's. She knew she needed the sleep but she had never been away from Kyler for very long. She leaned down to touch his tiny hand. He fussed a bit in his sleep and a single tear fell down her face.

"I love you Kyler. Mommy loves you. Please be good. You are the best baby ever, now be a good boy. Mommy loves you," she whispered, before kissing him on the hand. Her phone started vibrating on the counter, she stood up quickly, walking to her phone and breathing deep. The screen lit up with numbers unfamiliar to her.

"Hello? Jolene?" the woman on the other end asked. Jolene mumbled something to let the lady know that it was in fact her. "Evening miss, I wanted to let you know that everything is set up. You said you wanted to come by and discuss the paperwork with me tonight correct?" the woman spoke quietly.

"Uh, uhm, yes tonight, in about an hour okay?" Jolene stumbled over her words, choking back tears as she looked at her son, still sleeping away.

"Yes miss, see you then," the woman hung up. Jolene began to sob, leaning against the counter. She had to do this. Wiping her face and picking up Kyler's car seat, careful not to wake him. She carried him to the car, kissing him again before closing the door. They drove in silence, sobbing the entire way to Anne's house. As she pulled up into the driveway, Anne same running out, mumbling something about getting to spend the evening with the baby. Anne waved to Jolene making her cry again.

"Does everything look in order dear?" The woman from the phone call earlier asked as Jolene sat in shock. She nodded, expressionless. "All your partner has to do is sign in a few spots and it is all set up. Good luck dear, you are very young," she extended her hand out to shake Jolene's.

"Good bye and thank you," Jolene forced a smile before gathering the papers in front of her and leaving. She looked down at the papers and just smiled. She knew even though it was hard; she was finally doing something right.

{The next morning}

"Harry, I...I am sor-sorry," Louis choked on tears as he entered the groom's room, where Harry was sitting. Harry stood up and Louis just handed him the note in his hand. Harry took it and flipped it open.

'Hey Harry. I love you, I do. That's why I'm leaving. Don't worry. I know you want Kyler, we have discussed that you would take care of him if something ever happened to me since, in your eyes, he is your son. So I filled out all the paperwork so as soon as you sign it and it goes through the courts, he is yours...'

Harry looked at Louis who had finally gained composure. "What the hell are you crying about? She left me not you! You fucking sad sack. Grow a fucking pair!" Harry yelled. Louis bit his lip and tapped the letter.

"Keep reading," he said simply.

'...I have written a couple letters to him to give him in the future, but it's up to you if he gets them. Just pretend I died, please, but don't grieve the loss of me. I was a burden. I was like a tumor and do you grieve the loss of a tumor? No.

Now I just want to get everything in the open now. Harry, I knew I wanted to marry you, but someone else caught my eye... years ago. I never wanted to put you through all of this and I know he didn't either. It started as a flirtation but it escalated more than I ever planned. I think I loved Louis too...'

"Louis, sure I am upset, but I think I knew all along, but I think you need to leave. Not everyone will be as understanding as me when they find out. We don't have to be in the studio again for a month. Lay low until then okay?" Harry hugged Louis and turned his attention to the last bit of the letter.

'Now I would've just left you for Louis, but then I would just be adding another thing to the list of things that make me a terrible person. I love my son too much to take him from his father. I know you will raise him right. I love you too. If it makes it easier for you, then hate me. Please don't try to find me. Just move on and raise a beautiful boy. -Jo.'

Harry sat in silence, holding Kyler, as everyone came in to read the letter. Some were tearing up, some trying to talk to Harry, and others expressing disgust in Louis. Harry just sat silent and smiled at Kyler.

"Are you even paying attention? Lou screwed your fiancée and she left you? Where is he? Did he leave with her? Oh me and the lads will kick his ass," Niall spouted off. Zayn shushed him and Liam just shook his head.

"Niall, can't you see? Harry doesn't even care. He has the one thing he really loves. His son. C'mon Niall... we all knew they were together. Jo isn't a good liar," Liam explained. Niall nodded.

"Yeah so simmer down, Leprechaun," Harry said laughing, "I loved her but I knew she wasn't mine, I tried to give her an out and I guess she took it. At least I have him. Now Zayn. Since Perrie has been whining about wanting to hold him since she got her will you take him to her? I guess I have to go call wedding guests. Liam, can you help me?" Liam followed Harry into the other room.

"You aren't okay are you?" Liam asked as he flipped through the wedding guest list. Harry just shrugged and typed numbers in his phone as the tears filled his eyes. Liam grabbed the phone from him. "Go Home. Zayn or Niall will bring the baby by later, I'll handle the phone. Your world just collapsed." Harry hugged Liam before leaving. Liam waited til he was sure Harry was gone. He locked the door and dialed a number quickly in to his mobile.

"Hello?" Jolene said puzzled.

"Listen Jolene. It's Liam," Liam said in a hushed tone, in case people were listening. "Don't hang up. I knew you would go to Danielle's for the night, she told me you had a key. I am not going to beg you to come back, in fact, you need not ever come back. You stay out of this child's life. You gave up that right when you left. You don't contact Louis or Harry or even Danielle. You left today and you need to leave forever."

"Okay," Jolene simply answered, "Thank you Liam, you are a good guy. I am sorry."

"No Jolene, I am a normal human. I don't go stepping all over people. You don't get to be sorry, because if you were, you would've stayed. Bye," and with that Liam sighed and hung up the phone.

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