Chapter 8

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Nialls pov

i dont think no one understands how painful it is to know that you can't hold your child because all they do is cry in your arms. It hurts so much that Charlie doesn't like being in my arms, i just want to be able to hold my son without him screaming.

Stacey had just gotten into the shower and Charlie is screaming the house down, its upsetting to know that my little boy is crying and i can't do anything about it. I decided to give it a try, i try everyday, it has been a week and it still hasn't helped he just continues to cry.

I walk into Staceys room, where Charlie lies on the bed. "Charlie bubby please" i coo, as i hold him in my arms, he still continues to scream, i try a new approach and try humming to him, he quietens down but not much so i start singing the lyrics, i get caught up in the song that i never realised that he had stopped screaming.

"You like my singing baby?" i coo ticking his tummy. he smiles slightly i gently place him back on the bed and continue to tickle his stomach. After a while i pick him up and craddle him in my arms. I smelt a foul smell and i knew he had pooed, this would be the first time changing his nappy but i have watched Stacey do it plenty of times.

I walked into his room and placed him on the changing table, i changed his nappy fine and put him in a different vest/ baby grow and threw on a polo shirt and some chino type jeans. "There your dressed like daddy" i cooed picking him up and kissing his forehead. 

I walked down stairs and sat on the sofa, laying him down i began to tickle his belly slightly, he layed there silent but with a smile on his face.

Staceys pov

i stopped the shower and heard no screaming, he must have fallen asleep robably tired himself by screaming so much. I walked back into my room to see him not on my bed where i had left him, i began to panick thinking he had fallen, i rushed around my bed to not find him.

I quickly shoved some clothes on, running into his room, not there, i ran down stairs and awed at the sight of Niall tickling him, i take it Niall worked his powers and got him to stop screaming.

"how'd you do it?" i asked making him jump "do what?" he asked. "Get him to stop screaming" i stated "i sang to him" he answered before turning back to my baby boy.

The next thing i know i am being engulfed into a hug as two strong arms wrapped around my waist. "I can finally hold him Stac, i finally can hold my baby boy without him screaming in my face, he smiled at me and everything, he actually smiled" Niall said obviously over joyed that he is finally able to hold his son in his arms.

"Thats good Niall maybe you get stay up late and look after him while i sleep yeah?!" i suggested whilst he pulled away "anything, as long i get to hold my baby boy" he said "well now he isnt screaming you can" i said and he smiled before surprising me.

Niall had crashed his lips onto myn, i slowly kissed back, enjoying the feel of his lips on myn, he smiled into the kiss, we kissed for a couple of minutes longer before i pulled away. I opened my eyes to find him already looking at me with a smile on his face.

"come for a walk with me,and Charlie please" he said and i nodded. I went and picked Charlie up "hey baby" i cooed. To say i have matured a little since i had Charlie is an understatement it is like i am a totally different person.

I placed Charlie in his pram as Niall grabbed his phone, keys and wallet. "please can i push him?" he asked and i nodded "you don't have to ask to push your child Niall" i said and giggled slightly, as he blushed.

We started walking towards the park, surprisingly Charlie had been rather quiet, his gaze was directly at Niall staring at him, i could see a little smile on his little face. I smiled at the thought of him finally being comfortable with his father.

We stopped at the park and Niall got the blanket we brought so we could sit down. I lifted Charlie out of his pram as Niall layed the blanket on the grass. I sat on it with Charlie in my arms, as Niall sat next to me.

I placed Charlie on the blanket in front of us, he lay there wiggling as he smiled up at me and Niall. This was nice sitting here with Niall and Charlie, like a family even though we werent. Me and Niall are not a thing, and i doubt we will ever be, yeah we kissed this morning but that doesnt mean anything.

Yeah he smiled but he was caught up in the moment. Us will never happen, as much as i may want it to, i know it won't. Living with him just makes it harder, seeing him everyday, sometimes he will just walk down in his boxers.

I had to try so hard to stop my self from staring when he did, and luckily i was successful, i would be so embarrassed if he caught me staring at his abs.

I felt an arm around my waist and i looked at Niall who had both his arms infront of him playing with Charlie, i look to the other side to see Harry sitting next to me laughing. "How comes your here?" i ask him "Niall texted me telling him to come the others are on there way" he stated.

I felt kind of sad, the fact that i thought it was just going to be me and Niall with OUR son, but he didn't want to spend time with me, he wanted everyone here, he probably felt bad so invited me along.

"oh" i answered and looked back at Niall playing with our son. Soon everyone else had arrived and then i heard a high pitched voice squeel, "Niall" she had screamed, i looked up at him, he was smiling bright and had already jumped up and ran over to the girl engulfing her in a hug.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me and i frowned, i turned my attention to my son and picked him up and craddled him in my arms, trying my hardest not to cry and luckily i managed to hold the tears in.

"Guys this is Amy my girlfriend, Amy this is Charlie my son and all my mates" he said as they walked over to us. Another pang of jealousy hit me. He had a girlfriend yet he kissed me this morning. Does he not know thats cheating.

They were all chatting, and no one noticed me stand up and place Charlie in his pram and walk away, i couldnt sit there and watch him play happy coupld with Amy i had to get away. I walked back to Nialls, i unlocked the door, luckily i had brought my keys, good job i did.

I got in placed Charlie in his crib and fell to the floor letting all the tears flow.

A/N- Hey guys here is one of your two updates on this, this weekend.

I should have another chapter up soon. Hoppefully. either tonight or tomorrow.

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