Letting go of the past

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"Amy, I have a job here, the kids love the school here, Wales is a great place".

"I know, I really like it here as well, but I miss my family and friends, I miss everything about Leadworth".

He paused the DVD and sat up, "let's just put this conversation on pause for now and enjoy this weekend together, we can carry on this discussion on Monday".

"Okay that seems fair" she cuddled back into him as Rory pressed play on the remote.

"I'm really sorry Rory".

"What for?"

"Losing the past two babies".

He sighed and paused the DVD again, "Amy listen to me" he stroked her cheek, "that is not your fault at all, okay, I know it's hard but you need to leave it in the past. Let's just put a pause on everything apart from this weekend, no kids, no depressing conversations, just me and you, okay?"

She looked at him and nodded "okay". She kissed him and cuddled back into him one last time, watching the rest of the film with him, eventually falling asleep.

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