The car crash

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"Elsa? Finn? You guys okay?" Rory groaned as he tried to turn around to look at the children in the back seats of the car.

Amy winced as she opened her eyes and moved slightly.

Rory looked at her, "Amy it's okay, just try not to move".

"What happened?"

"We've been in a car crash, is the baby okay? Is she moving?" Amy was 24 weeks pregnant and they had found out it was a girl.

Amy shook her head, "I don't know, Rory I'm scared".

A couple of minutes later a man came up to the car and yanked open Rory's door, "you guys okay? I've called an ambulance, they should be here in a minute".

"Yeah we're both fine" Rory nodded, "can you check on the kids, I can't turn round enough to see".

The man nodded and went to open the back door, "they're both awake, they look a bit shaken up, the boy has a cut on his head, what are their names?"

Rory groaned again as he tried to reach Amy's hand, "Elsa...Elsa and Finn".

The man stayed with them talking to Elsa and Finn until the ambulance arrived, half an hour later the four of them were all in hospital, each of them in a separate room getting checked over.

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