Chapter Seven

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For the next week or so, Niall finds himself silently admiring Paige as she goes about her daily routine of the day, finding little things she does that interest him. Like when she takes out the trash, she'll scrunch up her nose in disgust from the smell. Or, Niall often lingers in the bedroom longer than he really should, just so he can listen to Paige sing in the shower in the morning. He believes she has a beautiful voice, but she never sings outside of the shower. He loves the smell of her perfume that wafts through the air of the flat because she's always afraid she never has enough on.

Niall notices these little things, and with each new one he discovers he falls even harder for Paige than he thought he ever could. She has so many quirks and cute little habits he can't help but love. He simply adores her soft hair, which always smells of her strawberry shampoo and is always Niall's comfort object when he's stressed or just wants to hold her. Her brown eyes sparkle in the morning light that shines through their bedroom window, and it's one of the best parts of waking up for Niall. Paige's lips are always soft too, whenever they exchange kisses in public, from the vanilla chap stick she simply has to have with her at any given moment.

Of all of the girls Niall meets, none of them compare to Paige. Her imperfections make Niall's heart flutter and his stomach grow butterflies, though when they talk, it's like they've been friends for years. The conversation is light and there's always a heap of laughs exchanged. Niall can't put words to his feelings, and he certainly can't even begin to describe Paige to herself. Whenever she asks for approval on an outfit, her hair, makeup, anything, Niall's simple reply is always, "You look absolutely stunning."

His words are never enough for him, though Paige seems content with his answer every time she receives it. Niall likes complimenting her, making those brown eyes sparkle with happiness. It's what he seems to live for.

"I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back in a few hours. How does a dinner at Nando's sound when I come back?" Paige suggests, packing her purse with her basic necessities, which Niall can name. Phone, check. Chap stick, check. Money she never seems to actually use, check.

"That sounds really good, I'm starving," he replies, exaggerating his gnawing hunger by laying on his back on the couch, sprawling out and glancing up at her upside down.

"You're always hungry. Later, Ni," she calls back, disappearing in the doorway. Niall sighs, sitting up and running a hand through his messy hair. With his home companion gone, he finds himself at a loss for what to do.

Paige had been going out quite frequently, never actually mentioning where she was going, but Niall figured it wasn't his business. But when she left, Niall usually sat and watched the television until she returned, not having anything else to do. He pondered over what he even did before Paige came into his life, and now, he can't even remember.

Niall decides if he's going out, he might as well look presentable. Grabbing a quick shower and throwing on a pair of jeans and a plain gray t-shirt, Niall fixes his hair and figures he's still got an hour or two to kill. Fortunately for him, his phone buzzes with a text message from Louis.

From: Louis :)

Hey Ni! Sorry, this is a bit late, but you know me. Anyway, One Direction's been invited to a party at Uncle Simon's tonight. He says it's for us for some reason, but won't tell me. Bring a date, mate.

To: Louis :)

Way to procrastinate, huh Lou? I'll be there with Paige, don't worry. See you, Boo.

Niall sighs, placing his phone in his pocket before running a hand through his still wet hair. Simon's parties were always formal, which meant both Niall and Paige needed something to wear. He thinks he might have a tux somewhere in the back of his closet, but he could always call Lou to come over with something.

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