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October 18th, 2011

It's not a secret that I'm just a reject.

"You sing beautifully."

I let out a shriek as I drop the guitar that was once in my hand to the floor. I wince as the sound of it crashing to the ground echoes in the room.

"What do you want?" I bark out at the stranger who startled me. Usually, I'm not this rude, but I hate being surprised. Plus, the guitar could be damaged so I think that's a good enough reason to be upset.

The girl who caught me singing takes a step back and holds her hands up in defence. "Sorry for wanting to compliment you."

I examine my guitar and when I see that it's fine, I look back at the girl with ombré hair and brown eyes.

"Sorry," I apologize.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have snuck up on you." The girl moves closer to me before saying, "But you do have a really amazing voice."

A blush crept up on my face. "Thanks." I place the guitar back on its stand. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"I could be asking you the same thing," the girl replies. She placed her hands on her hips. "No ones allowed in here after school hours."

"Look, I'm not causing any trouble. I'll leave if you want me to." I huff out of annoyance and begin to make my way out of the band room. A hand that lands on my wrist makes me stop and turn around.

"I'm sorry." The girl quickly removes her hand when she notices my glare. "I just, um, wanted to ask you something."

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to go on.

"Will you be in my band?"

The question catches me off guard, and I don't say anything at first. The girl must've taken my silence in a different way because she breaks off into a ramble.

"Well, I mean, you don't have to say yes. I was just asking because you have an amazing voice, and I've been trying to find someone who can be the lead singer in my band. Well, it's not my band. Actually, I think you can say it is my band since I was the one who came up with it. But anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I want you-"

I place a hand on her mouth to shut her up.

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm going to have to decline. I don't know who you are, and you must be deaf because I can't sing to save my life."

"Okay, well, first of all, my name is Imee," she placed a hand on her chest. "Second of all, you can sing."

I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

"So now that you know who I am, will you be in my band?"

I tap my chin with my finger. After a couple of moments I've come with a conclusion. "Sure."

A look of surprise flashed through Imee's face. "Really?"

"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do with my life," I say, shrugging my shoulders.



"So, what's your name?" Imee breaks the short silence that went on between us.



The ending's crappy I know.

Who's excited for this? I know I am.

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