"We also want to show you around town and take you to this diner that has really good food!" Wendy puts in. 

I look at Gajeel and raise my eyebrow for approval. He fights an inner battle before sighing and nodding. 

"I'm so in." I tell them smiling and Daphne is literally glowing. 

"Great, we'll leave in about 20." Romeo says before him, Wendy and Carla go to get their things. 

I spin on Gajeel, "So you'll take a Job?" I ask encouragingly. 

"So is that what you two were fighting about over here?" Lily asks. 

"We weren't fighting. Just having a small disagreement is all."

"Looked like a fight to me." Lily muttered. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to Gajeel again, "So will you?"

He shrugs in defeat, "I guess so."

I smile, "And you won't have to worry about me, I'll be with Wendy and Romeo, being a little bit of a normal teenager."

"Yeah, yeah, stop patronizing me." He growled, yep that's the Gajeel we all know and love, I think it was scaring all of us how he showed his sentimental side with me around, good to see him how we love him. "Come on shrimp, let's get a job." He barks. 

Levy jumps from the sudden outburst and swivels around with a smile on her face. "Sure thing." She says getting of the chair. "Jet, Droy, come on." She beckons. 

I follow them to the job board and scan the wooden plank with them. I see a good one and pull it off. "See, this one is nice and simple. It's close to here and you can be back by the time I'm done at the carnival as I'm sure those four don't want to here you bitch and moan for a few days. This way everyone is happy. Deal?"

He glares at me for a moment before looking to his team for confirmation. They nod in approval and I smile. 

Gajeel rips the paper from my hands, non to gentle, grumbling. I can't help but giggle at his childishness. He let's Mira know what job they are taking before coming back to the group. 

"Lily, make sure he doesn't worry about me, and Levy, make sure he stays out of trouble." I wink, knowing I'm infuriating Gajeel with every word I say and I smirk at him. 

"And stay safe." Daph interjects, laying over my shoulder. 

Gajeel wraps me in a playful headlock, causing Daphne to jump of my shoulder and her wings to poof out. Gajeel gives me a noogie and I squeal. 

"You were always such a nuisance kid, glad to see it hasn't left you." He says as the five of them laugh around us. "See you tonight." He says letting go of me. 

"Yeah, yeah, get going ya big tard." I reply glaring at him and trying to smooth the hair he ruffled. 

"Mia we're going!" Wendy shouts in a cheerful town from the entrance of the guild hall. 

"Be right there!" I shout back. I turned around and salute the five of them before grabbing Daphne's hand and pulling her towards the entrance. 

                                                                  *                                   *                                   *

Hanging out with Romeo and Wendy (and Carla) was quite fun. It was a little odd since both Romeo and Wendy were considerably younger than me - I could probably pass as their babysitter as I'm closer to Lucy's age though still a tad younger- but I didn't mind since it brought out the childish side of me I never got to experience. 

They took me to a diner that had food that made my mouth water. It was some of the best food I have ever tasted (not that I've tasted that much.) 

I got to know the two a little better. Wendy told me how she was found wandering the forest by her friend Jellal - who turned to be another world Jellal I learned there were too, confusing as hell I know- after her Dragon, Grandeeney, disappeared. Her friend dropped her off at a guild to protect her. For a long time she belonged to the Cait shelter guild, until she learned was fake once she had gone on a mission with Natsu's team along with a few wizards from other guilds. Once her former guild was gone she joined fairy tale and has been part of Natsu's team ever since. 

Romeo on the other hand had been dreaming of becoming a fairy tale wizard ever since he was a boy. His dad was one so that encouraged him to become one as well, he also looked up to Natsu as a fellow Mage. He mentioned something about Tenroe Island-in which I had no idea what that was- but insisted was a story for another time and something someone else had the right to tell me; which only made me all the more curious. 

After eating, they both led me to the carnival, the sky just barely beginning to change color. There was a slight breeze splitting the hot air and it felt good against my skin. Soon enough we were to the entrance of the carnival and I gazed upon the large whirring contraptions that held screaming people inside. I'll be honest, upon seeing them I felt a little nauseous but I pushed it aside, wanting to enjoy tonight. 

"I think I'm going to go shopping. Half put together machines doesn't sound entertaining to me." Carla said. 

"I think I'll join Carla. Just watching those things are making me sick to my stomach." Daphne says, her face turning a little green. 

"You three be safe, and don't be afraid to come find us if you need anything." Carla said. 

"Okay." We replied before going our separate ways.  

They told me the big whirring machines were called roller coasters. They were frightening but fun, even if I did almost lose my dinner a few times. They showed me the wonders of carnival games (which I found that I'm quite good at and soon had a collection of stuffed animals) and cotton candy. I was skeptic of the cotton candy; it was pink, fluffy and I wasn't sure it was edible, but the instant I popped it into my mouth I fell in love and got a new one every time a finished a cone. 

We wandered the fun house, saw multiple shows going on, ate more food, rode more rides and laughed till our stomachs couldn't take it anymore. Life felt good, I felt normal and I was having the time of my life. 

They were giving out free masks and other things. I was given a big fluffy red wig, some large clip on earrings and fake vampire teeth. Wendy got a pair of granny glasses, a large dangly necklace that looked like it matched my earrings and a large red nose. Romeo, looking the most ridiculous of us all, wore glasses with eyes that popped out and connected to a large horrendous nose and also wearing a fluffy hot pink wig. We stood laughing at each other for a while. 

After riding all the rides and visiting all the booths the sunk sank lower and the stars came out. Gajeel must be heading back by now and we were all getting pretty tired. The carnival was getting close to closing time for the night so we ditched our ridiculous costumes and started our search for Carla and Daphne, still taking our time. 

We recounted the days adventures as we walked, having more to laugh at but holding our stomachs and wincing on how much they hurt. 

I suddenly stopped laughing and whirred around, looking behind us. I got the sudden feeling we were being watched and followed, and not in the good way. I got a feeling and it wasn't the feeling  I got when Gajeel was following me. 

Romeo and Wendy both looked at me questioningly but I turned them around and assured them it was nothing and I was just being paranoid. It happens to the best of us. But as we continued down our path I still felt that presence and as we moved they moved. 

The street we walked on was lively, vendors still out getting all the sales they can on a late night like this one when all the youngsters are out. There were lights strung up everywhere and carts flung every which way. Children were playing and laughing but my mood for a good time was over, my guard instantly up. 

I stopped at a vendor who was selling flowers and bent down to smell them, the other two stopping with me as we took in the perfume of natures beauty. I shifted my eyes sideways to get a good look at the passersby until I found what I was looking for. . . 

and fear struck me cold. 

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