"Yeah, I have 4 huge tests. One tomorrow, one Sunday, one Monday, and one Tuesday. I gotta study if I want to do well." Ian shook his head. "Well, I gotta go," he started, getting up. "Speaking of studying and all." And he left.

I felt so bad I didn't even eat my breakfast. As Abbey and I were walking back to our apartment I couldn't help but think about what if he likes me back? No, he probably knows I like him. But how would he know? Ugh boys are so-

"Maddy," Abbey said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I kicked a little rock and continued kicking it up the walkway to our apartment.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Abbey too kicked a rock and even started kicking mine.

"Ian asked me out on a date, but I can't go." I unlocked the door to the stairs.

"That's too bad. You guys both like each other." Abbey now unlocked the door to our apartment and sat on our little couch.

"What?! How do you know?" I sat next to her and unlocked my phone.

"I didn't until now, suckaaaa." Abbey smirked. Abbey is so good at finding out things in a way that you would never think of. I wish I could do that.

An alert popped up on my phone and it said my mom had tried to call me. I urgently clicked on her contact to call her back because this must me about Abbey and if she can go with me to Barcelona or not.

"Hello," my mom answered.

"Hi mom. Did you call Abbey's mom?" I got right to the point.

"Yes I did. And she said," she paused which made me nervous. I could feel Abbey staring at me intently. "She said Abbey could go as long as you sleep at Dani's house at all times. She made it clear she didn't want Abbey hooking up with anybody and i feel the same way about you, too! And I know Dani mentioned something about you meeting the team and that included Neymar and I know how much you love Neymar. Let me tell ya' if you come home pregnant with Neymars baby I will beat you and Neymar AND Dani's ass." My mom finished and I could feel my cheeks redden because of what she said involving Neymar. "Got it?"

"Okay, I got it. Thank you!" I squealed looking at Abbey.

"You're welcome! Love you, honey."

"Love you too!" And I hung up.

"Well," Abbey said, looking at me expectantly.

"Your mom said you can go," I told her but before she got all excited I told her "the catch". "Your mom made it specifically clear that she wants you to have no sex while we're there."

Abbey looked embarrassed. "Three and a half months with hot boys?! Yeah like that's going to happen."

"Oh my," I said trying to hold back a laugh but Abbey started laughing which made me started to laugh and eventually we were almost on the floor laughing at each other laughing. We're mature adults :).


For a week up until today, Wednesday, Abbey and I have been frantically packing. On Sunday afternoon we even went out to buy some more clothes.

I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. It was 2:59. "Abbey it's 3, we gotta go!" I dragged my luggage over to the door and opened it. I made sure to lock it and waited for Abbey so I could close it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Abbey rushed to the door with a very large suitcase and soccer bag.

"Really? A soccer bag?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, really." Abbey gave me a dumbfounded look and pulled the door closed, heading down the stairs. "I mean, we'll be there for 14 weeks and you don't expect us to play any soccer, at all? We'll be surrounded by professional soccer players constantly!! Didn't you think you'd play?"

I face-Palmed myself at Abbey's good point. "True, but I bet Dani will have stuff I can use."


Once Abbey and I boarded the plane I braced myself for the next 12 and a half hours, boy will they be long ones. Thankfully I'm wearing a comfy outfit (outfit on the side). Tip 1 of flying: always wear a comfortable outfit.

I took a look around and noticed we were in first class seats. How could I have missed that before?

"Wow, Dani's really treating us," I said to Abbey.

"Well," Abbey shifted in her seat. "He does make a ton of money. Goodnight." Abbey shifted her body away from me and closed her eyes, before long, I could tell she was sleeping.

As the plane took off I looked out the window and enjoyed the view. The ocean was still out of sight but it shouldn't be for long. I popped a price of gum in my mouth and for one last time, I prepared myself for this flight, and what comes after it.

THIS CHAPTER IS SO BAD!! Ahaiakanskans
I'm so sorry! The next chapter will be better I swear. A lot more exciting things will happen.
This chapter was basically a filler chapter and yeah.

Anyway, thanks for the 15 reads I got on the last chapter. I know it's not much but it means a lot to me. :)

New chapter up soon!


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