Chapter 15

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You walked on the path that would lead you to the lost boys' hideout. Tiger Lily had smiled to you when you left and John had stood behind her with a smile on his lips as well. Cal was the one to lead you out of the camp through the hidden path. You got a pat on your back when you faced the jungle.

   "Be strong." Cal said and looked at you. "Be bright, like fire." His eyes landed on the path ahead and you followed his gaze. "They say water kills fire, but fire always finds another place to burn." He chuckled. "I'm not good at this poetic stuff."

 You laughed, the serious atmosphere vanishing. "No I like it." You assured him. "If something kills my fire, I just got to find another way to burn again."

 Cal smiled. "Good. Now go." He said and turned to walk back. You watched him vanish in the darkness of the cave and then you marched forward.

You stopped in front of the tree. Would they be here? Fox had told you that they had another camp. The lost boys had different hiding places. You felt a knot in your stomach and hesitated.

"What are you doing, y/n?" You whispered to yourself. "Just go."

"Go where?" A voice asked behind you and you jumped. You turned around and saw Slightly and Fox enter the clearing. Fox looked tired and an expression of guilt drenched his features when your gazes connected. Slightly took up the courage to speak. "You're back?" He asked cautiously.

You nodded, but you couldn't take your eyes away from Fox's. He was your friend, and even if he lied about Wendy, he had also tried to protect you from the past.

 Fox smiled sheepishly and you awkwardly grinned. "Well what do I get?" You asked and Fox hurried forward and pulled you into a hug.

   "I'm sorry." He muttered into your hair and you patted him on the back.

   "Don't lie anymore." You told him.

 Fox's eyes were downcast but he looked up at you with hope in his grey eyes. "I won't lie... but I'm not the one to tell you about the truth either."

 You bit your lip. You wanted to know what happened, but you understood. "It's okay." You told him.
You looked around. It was silent. Fox and Slightly smiled. "They're at a different camp. Come on!" Fox beamed and grabbed your hand and dragged you with him. Slightly followed with a slight limp and you felt relieved by being with them. Still, you felt dread at the thought of facing Peter.

 Fox, you and Slightly were walking on a narrow path and you looked up at the roof of leaves.

   "So... Tiger Lily got some sense into your head?" Fox asked and you glared at his back as he walked in front of you. You kicked out and he stumbled forward when you hit his ankle.

   "You shouldn't have been such idiots." You hissed and Slightly snorted behind you. Fox turned to look at you, walking backwards.

   "I'm sorry, y/n, we're just listening to orders."

   "Well have some independence, will you?" You snapped and Fox turned around with a grin.

   "Sorry, Miss." He mocked you and you sent another kick to his ankle and he stumbled once more.

This camp was different; leaning against a mountain wall and with a big bon-fire in the middle there were the rest of the lost boys, buzzing around while preparing something to eat. Up in the tree crowns were tree houses and it looked like a comfy place.

Nibs and Curly ran towards you and you smiled at them. "Miss!" They chirped in unison.

   "Hey boys," you greeted them. "I'm sorry for not coming back that day, were you worried?"

 Nibs nodded. "We were, Miss, but Fox explained why you were gone."

   "But you're back now?" Curly exclaimed excitedly.

 You nodded. "I am."

You looked up and upon the bonfire only to see someone sit on a log behind the flames. His green eyes reflected the fire and you felt your heart skip a beat when he rose to his feet. You couldn't read his face as he walked around the fire and towards you, but your heart beat faster, much to your disliking.

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