Only A Rock Star

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The lights shown in my face as the guitarist checked her strings and the drummer hit his drums playfully. I grabbed the microphone and took a deep breath, "Hello, California!" I called out. The crowd cheered and threw themselves at me, the guards held them back and pushed people away. The looks on the fans faces were like they were looking at a god, which was how I felt. They were fighting to get at me like I was the last piece of food on the planet, it felt great for people to fight like that for me, I mean it was the sixth time that week I've seen people do that for me but it's always a great feeling. "Alright you guys calm down." I giggled, some of them did but the rest kept trying to get at me. Those ones I liked to call my minions, because they'd do anything for me and I knew it. A smile spread across my make up battered face as I looked at my band, they smiled back at me. I sang for the minions, I sang for them all. I wasn't even afraid to, I'd never mess up because I had all the songs tattooed onto my brain. Th lookso n the fans faces were amazing, they loved me. I barely knew any of them but I guess I liked them too.

The concert ended, I said goodbye to my minions and strutted off the stage, my band behind me, some where still waving to the fans. "You did great, Maya!" Jenny smiled, she was the guitarist. "I know." I smiled and checked my hair in the mirror. "I say we go out for shakes, we did awesome today." Alex, the bassist, cheered. I giggled a little as I fixed my mascara, "You all go on without me, I want to hang back a while." I told them. "Why?" Chuck asked, he was the drummer. "I like the stadium, it's home-y." I said. "Alright, you want us to bring you back a milkshake?" Jenny asked. "Nah I'm not feeling it today." I shrugged. They all left, great. Now I can check all of my fan tweets. I'd check them in front of the band but they always ask about their tweets and I don't like reading all of them to the band. I like to read mine, if makes me feel even better about myself.

"Maya omg she was amaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiingggg!!!!!!!! @Lovelyroses @MayaStevens"

"Concert was gr8 2day luved maya @MayaStevens"

"maya looked hawt 2day @mayastevens"

"I'd hit that @MayaStevens"

"Make sure to look both ways before crossing the street @MayaStevens"

I looked at that confused, why would they tell me to look both ways? I mean, I never thought about it but I'd never seen a tweet like that before. I wasn't going to answer, I mean, what star answers their tweets? I decided to text Jenny, just to see if they got to Jack in the Box okay.

Me: haaaay jenjennnnn. u guiz k?

Me: jen?

Me: jen txt meh back now.

Me: JEN.


JenJen: maya im nawt kiddin come outsyd now.

I immediately jumped from the chair and out the back of the stadium.

Me: were r u.

JenJen: across the stret. plz come now chuck just got run over.

My heart stopped, I sprinted across the street, there was a crowd and cars stopped in a line, it was a hit and run. I pushed through the crowd, at first they looked at me angrily, but once they saw my beautiful face they were in a daze. Jenny saw me and hugged me, the smell of blood ran up my nose and made me gag. "Who did it?" I asked, not wanting to look at Chuck's body. "I don't know but he swore your name when he drove off." Jenny sobbed. "Why?" I began to sob as well. "He said he was going to get you, he told us to tell you that." Jenny buried her face in my shoulder. I hugged her as tears raced down my cheeks.

The police took us all in to answer their questions, they separated us. I sat in the quiet, cold room. "Hey, can I get some water? I know you're out there, I watch Law and Order!" I called to them, wiping the tears from my cheeks. No one answered, I looked at the metal table, it was cold to the touch. There were dents in it, shivers went down my spine looking at the imprint of a persons face. I was still in my concert clothes, a hot pink shirt and a black vest with a black skirt and shin high boots. I had a silver pearled bracelet on as well as two rings. My bracelet clinked as I put my hands in my lap, waiting for someone to come and get me out of this room, I mean I wasn't guilty of anything, I didn't know why they wanted me here. Where was my paparazzi? I felt more comfortable with them than I did in this concrete room with the barred windows. "I'm cold you know!" I growled. No one came in, but I could feel them looking at me through that black window. I knew they were watching me, I watched cop shows. Finally the door opened and two men in suits walked in, one wore a grey suit and one wore a blue one. "Ms. Stevens, I'm Agent Johnson and this is my partner Agent Laurence. We're going to ask you a couple of questions about your friend Chuck Dodge's death." The blue suited one said. "I wasn't even there!" I told him. "Yes we know, you told us that five times." Johnson stated as he sat at the table with me, his grey eyes looking into my blue ones. Laurence decided to watch from afar. "Are you Special Victims Unit? I love that show." I said. Laurence gave me a look that said, "No you stupid blonde." and grumbled to himself. "We're much higher up than that." Johnson told me. "Oh...what are you then?" I asked. "We're the FBI, we're here to talk about putting you under the Witness Protection Program." Johnson said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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