chapter three ☂

Start from the beginning

“Yes, that place. I’ll just get ready and come. Bye-bye.” With that, Angela hung up.

Setting her phone down on the coffee table in front of her, she headed over to her bedroom to grab her purse—or handbag. Lily’s handbag was a simple, cream-colored handbag with a fringe that hung off a triangular design that had a leaf design embroidered onto it. It sounded extremely hippie, but Lily loved it. It was simple and cheap, which Lily liked as she had the tendency to mess damage her purses very quickly.

She didn’t have much to put in her purse anyway; just her phone, hand-sanitizer, her wallet, a mirror, a tiny zip-lock bag of make-up, and the current book she was reading.

Her hand ventured into her purse, feeling up everything inside until it had the familiar solid feeling of her mirror. When she finally felt it, she pulled it out of her purse and examined how she looked. Her eyes widened as the realization that she had forgotten to straighten and curl her hair like she did every morning struck her. She decided to just throw her hair into a pony-tail and leave it be in its natural wavy state. Her hand flew back into her purse and didn’t come out until it found a hair tie. She put her hair into a quick ponytail and went over to the door to put on some shoes.

Since today was a lazy day, she ignored her ankle boots and grabbed a pair of old black flip-flops. Her outfit consisted of black soffee shorts and a plain white t-shirt—an outfit she often considered wearing every day because of how insanely comfortable it was.


‘And that would be Angela,’ Lily thoughtas she opened her front door to see Angela's head poking out of her Prius. “Come on!”

“I’m a-comin’.” Lily laughed as she ran down the steps of the concrete front porch that led up to her flat. She ran to the other side of Angela’s car and hopped inside the passenger seat.

“Finally, I thought you were giving birth in there,” Angela remarked, and Lily rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Ang, you arrived not even a second ago,” Lily pointed out, laughing. Her friend really was a bit silly, and while many people looked upon that as a flaw, Lily loved it.

“I'll have you know it was a very long second,” Angela replied, breaking into a grin soon after. The girls both laughed and Angela started up the car and began driving.

Nobody said anything for a while which was something Lily liked because she enjoyed seeing the London scenery—even when they sometimes had to pass the slum parts of London that weren’t so pretty because hey, it was always nice to get dirty looks from hooded strangers. But the beautiful parts of London were absolutely breathtaking. The constant wind rustled the yellow-green leaves just slightly and old buildings that were still up and running offered amazing craftsmanship to admire.

Lily’s favorite part was when they got to pass the London Eye at night. Harry promised to take her once this summer and she couldn't wait. It was something about the way the Eye lights up the sky that took Lily’s breath away.

“Do you ever stop thinking or what? We’re almost here and you’ve spent the whole car ride staring out the window,” Angela commented, smirking slightly. “For fu—”

“Hey!” Lily stopped her from finishing her sentence. “No cursing, remember?”

“Yes, yes, I remember,” Angela murmured. Because of her recent extreme desire to get a new laptop and her lack of money, her mother challenged her to not cursing for a month. If she didn’t, the laptop was hers. However, profanity was a second language to Angela, and not cursing was not something she wasn’t used to. “You know, you could be a nice mate and let me curse and not tell my mother.”

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