"Even so, it could have just been the end of the adrenaline pumping through your system before you really went out of it."

Peggy just sat there for a moment before Nora continued.

" I doubt many of those big burly I'm-so-much-better-than-you-'cause-I'm-an-agent-and-you're-not-but-please-fix-my-ouchie men wouldn't have survived that mission, or at least had not gotten themselves into a coma."

"You don't get very far in this business if you're not a lot tougher than they are, I'm afraid." Peggy looked down at hand in Steve's before meeting the nurse's gaze again. "It takes a hell of a lot of work to get this job and even when you do, even after all this time, after everything you did during the war, after saving all of their lives countless times, no one gives a damn. You get used to it though. You start to not see those big burly, egotistical narcissists, but instead, little boys who are scared witless and you realise, even though you might be a better agent, or better suited for whatever job you're doing, or even a better person, they will never tell you that. You have to value yourself, Nora, and know your worth. Because at the end of the day, no one else's opinion matters."

"Well, I'll be damned."

Peggy smiled, looking at the cast that covered her broken arm.

"It's not my first rodeo."

"Well Peggy, if you don't mind me sayin', I don't think you're the only one that values you." Nora checked her arm before moving to the cuts on her chest, her cobalt blue eyes squinting slightly in concentration at she began removing the bandage. "Mr. Stark certainly does. He was as white as a ghost when he came in here with you. And this fella right here-," she nodded over to Steve as she began checking her stitches. "-if he doesn't value you, well then I'm a monkey's uncle and there is no hope for anyone in this world. He refused to leave your side. Told Mr. Stark he was goin' nowhere. Even said it to the Colonel. Said he wasn't leavin' 'til you woke up and he knew you were okay. Course he wasn't rude or anything, just honest." She began applying a new bandage. "An' he accommodated me and the girls as much as we accommodated him. He even stepped outside whenever we wanted to change your bandages. That's a right proper gentleman you've got there." She finished with the bandage and pulled back up Peggy's hospital gown. "He cares about you, Peggy. More than that even."

Nora's words hung in the air as she checked the rest of her cuts and bruises.

After a few moments, Nora broke the silence.

"I've got some good news for you, Peggy."

The Agent raised her eyebrows.

"Your stitches are healin' nicely, your wounds are clean and in the mend too. Your arm'll need to be in a cast for a few weeks, but apart from that, I'd say you could be goin' home tomorrow!"

"Thank the Lord!"

"The Doctor'll want to check you over and probably keep you in one more night, but you should be right as rain after that. No more missions for a while and lots of home rest, but you'll be fine."

Nora beamed at her and Peggy returned the smile.

"Thank you, Nora."

"Thank you, Peggy, for makin' me feel worth somethin'."

"Forget about it. I'm sure you'd do the same for me."

Nora started cleaning up the bandages and putting things back on the metal tray to the side.

"Maybe we could hang out some time. No Gin, of course."

"Oh, of course."

They both laughed.

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